Chapter 12

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"Your homework is in the back of your folders, so make sure to do it all this weekend" The teacher stated, tapping the board with her pointer.
"I'm sure all you highschoolers would be quite embarrassed to know Cameron is doing better than all of you in this class, so I'd do extra studying and do good on that homework."

The class mumbled, not very happy at the thought of studying.

The bell rang loudly, causing the teens to flood out.
I smiled at the thought of seeing Sliver and Malor again at home.
Hopefully her twin brother had stopped crying.

I stood and grabbed my backpack before walking out the door.
I could see Taylor waiting in the car for me, probably happy to get away from her crying son.
"Hey Taylor! I got an A+ in my history test today!"
I buckled up as she congratulated me.
"Good job! Keep those grades up!"

I nodded and began working on my homework.
Hopefully I would have it done by the time we got home.
I worked happily for awhile, managing to get it all completed.
"Taylor, are we almost home?"

"Yes, just hold on."

I looked out the window and frowned.
"This doesn't look like the way home."
Taylor didn't answer, making my stomach knot up.
What if she was going to abandon me again?
Was she going to get rid of me?
She has her own kids now, she doesn't need me!

Sure enough, the car pulled over on the side of the road, making my hands shake.
I didn't waste a moment to grab my bag and climb out, letting her drive away without another word.

Well... I was heartbroken in the least.
I felt useless once more, and all alone.
No one wants Hatch's son, and they never will.
I sighed and looked up at the gray sky, which seemed to copy my mood.

I walked around, finding a small box to hide in when it started sprinkling.
My heart still ached from betrayal and loneliness.
How could I ever had thought they loved me?
I'm a monster.
I sobbed softly to myself, feeling as if my life was falling apart once more.
How could I have been so stupid?
They don't love me!
My sobs turned into loud wails, barely louder than the rain drops that crashed down around me.
I called Michael dad.
I thought of Taylor as my mom.
Malor was my sister.
Sliver... He was my best friend.

My hands shook as I began having a panic attack, one of my many flaws.
I could barley breathe now, my breath getting stuck in my throat.

My body was freezing cold already, and the storm had just began.
My vision spun, black dots flying around my face as I tried to grab them.
Panic began taking over as I struggled to breathe.

I was going to die!
No one can hear me out here!
I'm dead!
No one will even miss me!
They'll never even know!

A shadow fell over me as I blacked out.

Michael's POV.

I ran back inside the house as it began to rain, panicking when I didn't see Cameron at school.
"Tay! Is Cameron here?"
Taylor shook her head, worrying as well.
"I couldn't find him at the school! He's not inside or outside! Do you think he ran away?"
Taylor hugged Michael, making him stop gulping.
"Calm down Michael, we'll find him, I promise."


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Michael Vey (Hatch's son)Where stories live. Discover now