Chapter 15

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Tide's POV.

I watched Cameron get dragged down the hall with a bruised cheek and tears stained streaks.
I wanted to help him or something, but knew I was stuck in my tank.
My red tail pushed me forward, traveling over to my feeding area for lunch, hoping they were going to feed me.

They only gave me food if I listened and did the tricks the told me to.

I swam to the surface and looked up at my owner, who seemed very unhappy.
He grabbed my bag of food and looks over at me, making me swallow.

"Tide, do a back flip."

I quickly forced myself out of the water and through the air, twisting and landing a perfect flip.
"Good boy."
He threw me a piece of shrimp, letting me eat it.

He had me do a few more tricks, giving me a small amount of food before sending me off once more.
He didn't feed me very much, wanting me to be small and shorter than most of my age.

There was a secret group of people who would breed and sale mermaids for money.
Quentin is trying to get me to the perfect size, then will use me for breeding with other members of the group.
I didn't want to be used, but I wasn't given a choice.
My life was already planned out ahead of me.

As I swam, I looked over and saw a strange boy that looked like a cat.
"Are you new?"
The boy looked at me, his ears twitching.
"I'm looking for my master, Cameron Hatch."

I nodded, doing a few loops in the water.
"He was dragged away to the cells."
A man and woman peeked out from around the corner, making me shrink away.
The boy smiled "The Mermaid knows where Cameron is."
"We just need to get the mermaid to get Cameron."
The man nodded, looking for a way to get me out.

"... Are you Michael Vey? Cameron spoke allot about you."

He chuckled and nodded, finding a small area I could swim up to so he could pull me out.
"Which way" said Michael, holding me.
"That way and down the stairs... I think he's probably in cell 25."

"That's where Quentin sends people when they make him mad."
Michael practically hissed out the name and quickly made his way down the stairs and pass the different cells.

So far, no guards have seen us, and we plan to keep it that way.

Michael stopped at cell 25 and put me down, scrambling to unlock the door.

Cameron's POV.

I shivered in the corner of the cell, whimpering and crying.
I was going to be stuck here for a year.
Michael will never find me.
He probably isn't even trying.
I laid on the floor, staring into the dark.
The only sound was a small beep, not helping me at all.

I let out a heart broken sob, not caring if they saw me on the cameras anymore.
My life was starting to go so well.
I wanted Michael.
I wanted my dad.
If I could go back, I'd call him dad always.
I'd never call him Michael again.
I just wanted to hug him and tell him all about what happened.
I wanted to be a hero and save the day... But I wasn't a hero.
I was the son of a villain.
Nothing special.
Just a bad memory.

The cell door opened, making me squint my eyes.
I gasped, quickly sitting up and standing, seeing Michael at the door.


I ran over to him, jumping into his arms and sobbing.
He held me close, trying to calm me down.
Sliver wrapped his jacket around me, trying to keep me warm.

Michael and Sliver both worked together, getting me to fall asleep in Michael's arms.
No, not Michael's.
Dad's arms.
He's my dad.
Michael is my dad.

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