~part 17~

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??? POV

We walked into the coffee shop Lucas said he would meet us at, he said he was bringing a friend along and that we had to be careful of what we say around them because of "reasons", but I don't give two shits, I saw Lucas and another guy at a table, I could see John (kryoz) getting fidgety, he pulled out his vape and breathed in the vapour, we walked up to them with cam leading the way. "what's up smit" cam said, "heya cam" Lucas said getting up and shaking cams hand,

"I haven't seen you in a while dude". John said hugging Lucas. The other guy stood up, ..he must be the shortest man here.., "what's up cunt!" I said, well.. more like shouted, people glared at me but I didn't care I smiled like an idiot and shook Lucas hand. I smiled at the short guy and he shot a quick smile but looked away from me quickly, must be shy, probably the reason we must be "careful with our words today" as if cam!,

We all sat down,

Seats ⬇️⬇️⬇️
The | is the table

Swagger. |. Kryoz
(Y/n). |. Smit
Mason. |. Cam
Racoon. |. Jay
Matt. | Toby

I was sitting next to the new guy and texting cam on my phone, cam was talking to jay tho and ignoring me, and swagger was making small talk with the short guy, the rest of the guys were just catching up. "So then I said, that's not where the groceries goe!" (Random ass thing) swagger said, the short guy giggled, I stopped looking at memes and stared at him,..everyone did, "w-what?" He asked. "I can never get over how adorable (y/n)'s giggles are". Lucas said. His name was adorable too.

His face went up in flames and kicked Lucas from under the table, "s-shut up!" (Y/n) said. "Ow!" Lucas complained. "Feisty!~" Toby joked. I laughed and decided to talk with (y/n),

"Sooo (y/n), where are you from?" "I'm from (h/c) (home country/state) "cool, I'm from Australia!""he giggled again. " I could tell," he said. "What do you do for a living?" I asked "I compose music, sometimes I do little gigs with a few friends but I mostly draw my brother's thumbnails and edit his videos when he can't be bothered". He said, so he's probably never had a real job. "Got any siblings?" "I have an older brother called Ryan" "so what kind of YouTuber is he?" I ask I'm interested in what they do. "He plays video games, his channel name is ohmwrecker/the masked gamer," he said. "Isn't that the dude you sometimes play with, smit?" Toby asked. "Yyyyep, the whole crew is actually at his house right now, we're staying there this month". Lucas explained. Ezra chuckled "so how does if feel to have your house invaded by morons?" Ezra asked. "Hey!, I'm not a moron!" Lucas complained. "Sure you aren't" John said vaping again,

(y/n) watched as the cloud went everywhere. John must have seen him staring, he breathed in the vapour again and made an O shape with the clouds, blowing them at (y/n), (y/n) put his hands through them, "can I have a go?" he asked. "sure" John said. (Y/n) took it and breathed in the vapour. He started coughing. We all laughed at him.

After we finished our drinks we were thinking of were to go, "i saw an amusement park on the way here, we could go there now, OR WE COULD WAIT TILL IT GETS DARK AND IT WILL BE REALLY BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL!" Swagger said, "alright then, but we'll do it later, we should go back home and introduce you guys to Ryan and the guys". Lucas said. Everyone either nodded or hummed in agreement.

As we were walking Ezra and Eric (swagger) where talking to (y/n), Jay was humming along to a song he was listening to, and Toby, Cameron, John and Lucas were having their own conversations. I was back on my phone, looking at what's happened the past few days.

We reached a nice looking house, Lucas knocked on the door. "Who is it?" A kids voice asked. "It's your gummy worm" (y/n) said, "GUMMY WORM!" The kid shouted. Lucas sighed and picked (y/n) bride style and handed them to cam. "Hold them for a sec" Lucas said. The door opened and Lucas was jumped on to. "What did you do with my gummy worm!" Said a short brown haired guy. Lucas pointed up to Cameron.

The guy gets off of Lucas and walks up to cam, "alright new guy, hand over my gummy worm". He said, Cameron, smirked, "or what?". The small guy glared at cam and the punched him...in the nuts..,

Cam fell over with (y/n) landing on his chest. "Fuck.." Cameron said. "LUI!" (Y/n) shouted. Lui picked (y/n) up and walked inside, locking the door behind him. Toby and jay helped cam up, while john, swagger and racc were laughing their asses off, Lucas whipped out his phone and texted someone,

Soon enough the door was opened again, by a guy with light brown skin. "Lucas, who are these guys?, and why has lui got (y/n).. again.." he said as he looked at us and stoped at cam, he smirked, "you piss him off?" He chuckled as he asked cam, cam just nodded. I sighed "oi I'm freezing my ass of out here can we go inside?" I said kinda irritated. The guy glared at me, "I see why lui doesn't like theses cunts" he mumbled under his breath as he stepped aside.

We walked in and the guy shut the door."lui!, give me (y/n) right now!" I heard someone shout. "Both of you give me my brother!" Another voice shouted, he sounded mad. "We'll save you princess!" Two others shouted.

(Btw if ya can't tell who's POV this is, it's masons (zuckles))

We walked into the living room and saw lui running around with (y/n) and three other guys running after him.

They ran past us. "Lui! Put me down!" (Y/n) shouted. "Nev-" I tripped lui up and catched (y/n), letting him stand, "cunts, he's probably annoyed that you keep picking him up". I said,

The three guys walked up to us. "who are these guys?" the one with blue hair asked, "lucas friends" lui said, getting up and rubbing his head, "I'll go get everybody so you can introduce yourselves". He said,

(Y/n) came back with six guys behind him. They all sat down on the couch as we stood there uncomfortably under there gazes. Lucas coughed "so guys, these are my other friends, Cameron, Toby, Eric, mason, Ezra, jay, Matt and you guys already know john". He said. "Call me cam" Cameron said. "I know you guys, your the misfits, right?" Said the guy with glasses. "Yeah, we are" jay said, rubbing his neck. "Well I'll introduce you to everyone, I'm Ryan, (y/n) older brother, this is Evan, Jonathan, Luke, marcel, lui, David but he likes to be called nogla, Anthony, brock, Tyler and Craig". He said, pointing to each of them.

"well it's nice to meet ya" Cameron said shaking Ryans hand.

This is going to be hell..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1218 words

Added them because I like them- TELL ME IF THEY SHOULD LIKE BE IN IT

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