~Part 12~

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(y/n) pov

was just woke up and remember ohm saving me from evan, del and toonz thanks to smii7y for telling him.. I should give him something to show my thanks to him, but what?. As I was thinking about what to give smii7y I didn't realize that wildcat and mini walked in and walked over to me, basically had woke up and also walked over to me, "what are you guys doing?" basically asked. That's what I was thinking, what are they doing in here? Mini whisper to basically about something on the count of three? And basically smirked and that never is a good thing..."Ok. "1.2.3!" Wildcat shouted. They all grabbed me and wildcat covered my mouth. I was trying to get out of there grasp but failed. They brought me to wild's and mini's room. I think I know what they're doing now... They plopped me down on the bed and jumped on me. I was silent through all of this because I was too tired to do anything and I'm used to it now. They were all cuddling me wildcat on my left, basically on my right and mini under me, mini probably has the most uncomfortable spot but he looked happy. I think even if I tried to get out of this I wouldn't be able to, I mean I have adult guys on me and I'm the smallest out of everyone in this good dame house. "now?". I heard mini mumble. "now," wild said. They all got off me and looked at me, scratch that they were staring at me. "w-what". "we heard what happened last night so we are going to protect you!" mini squealed. You sighed "alright, you guys can be my nights in shining armour". Ty smirked, "and you can be the small little princess that we have to protect". Basically said. I punched his arm. "im not small your butt". "but you are, your the smallest in this house". Basically said. "i swear basically.." I said in a deep voice.

Ok I know it's very VERY short but I just wanted to get something out for you guys... And I also need ideas ;-; please suggest what I should do with this
379 words

vanoss crew & Misfitz x male!reader //DISCONTINUED\\Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt