[15] A Jealous Tomato

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What if Yume was the one teasing and Subaru was the one being teased. What would happen if she had a crush on Subaru from the beginning, would Subaru be an idiot instead of being a play-boy.

Yume sat in the cafeteria while eating her fries with ketchup, she was waiting for someone who was LATE!

The ombré haired girl tried to find something to do while time passes. She looked around and saw a group of people trying to get a certain magazine from one of the book counters. Yume wondered what was going and walked off there direction.

"No! Wait! What!!!"

Everyone stared right in an instant at the ombré haired girl's way. Of course it would be a shock if you found out too.

'If this is true, it means he's cheating on me! I hope not, I loved him for 7 years'

While Yume waited, she continued reading what was in the article.

After a few minutes has passed, the door flung open with a chocolate haired boy running.

Yume bounces up towards Subaru, glad that that he came!

"Subaru, I thought you weren't going to come!"

"I overslept this morning, I hadn't had time time to get something to eat"

Subaru grumbled as he crossed his arms.

"Well, it wasn't like I was waiting long or anything, I just wanted to have lunch with you, you seriously didn't have to come here, I mean, thi–"

Just then Subaru kissed Yume to stop her from rambling.

"So, are you done yet"

Just then, their was a loud grumble in Subaru's stomach so they quietly sat down in their table.
Yume, being the one who's always worried about her tomato, she tried to start a conversation about the work he's doing in M4.

"Hey Subaru, what happened in the photoshoot yesterday afternoon, I heard you had a little 'accident' yesterday afternoon"

Subaru looked at the magazine Yume was holding. Of course, he'd think this would be his chance to get Yume jealous.

"What? Are you jealous?"

Yume: POV

'Ehh! Did he find out already?! Yume, calm down, you know he's just playing with you!'

"N-no! Of course not! Why would I be jealous of a girl that's prettier than me, and maybe more popular than me!"

I continued to hint out some things that I didn't even realized I said it.

"What would get you to even think that I'm jealous just because of that girl you're probably  interested in!"

Subaru faked sigh and did the talking this time around.

3rd Person: POV

"*sigh* So you want us to break up? That's pretty bad, I DID have something special for my special girl for today, but I guess that isn't going to happen"

The ombré haired girl practically shrieked at the part when he said they were breaking up.

"No, wait! I was kidding. I don't want us to break up!"

Blue sapphire eyes met the sunset pure red eyes. Yume was about to break when she was apologizing.

"Oh really?"

"I was just so jealous that she got to kiss you, and been published in the magazine, read by millions of people, while I'm sitting here doing nothing to support you"

Tears almost ran down here pink and black dress tops. A hand cupped her chin, and softly kissed her on the lips.

Subaru: POV

'If this is enough to make her feel better, then it    might work when she's crying. She is my cute and adorable girlfriend'

The strawberry sweetness mixed in with the blueberry taste on Subaru's mouth, it was different from the times they kissed those few times.

"I was joking, I would never break up with the cutest girl in the world!"

Somehow, Yume was happy from the words I said, and that's how I want it to be.

"So, Subaru-kun, do you think I can get on that kiss scene?"

"Don't think so"

"What! why?"

A peck on the cheek pressed on Yume, as she blushed.

"Because I don't want any man touching my little octopus"

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