[14] I Dare You...

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Subaru: POV

Yume has been acting so strange whenever she's near me. It's frankly annoying, she's starting to act like one of my fans. I thought of something hilarious and ask if she 'likes' me.

Ha! Like that will ever happen, kind of sad when I mention it.

Today I have a day off meaning Yume is too. This is my chance to see my little boiled octopus' face! Just as I was doing my morning jog, I saw Yume focusing; who knew my little boiled octopus would be straight out focus.

When we were about to meet at the turning point, she automatically freeze and turn her head away from me...interesting.

"Yo my little octopus, how's training?"

I quickly notice that's she was listening to a male band. Have I heard that song before?

"G-good, h-how about you, did you get accepted to be the male lead in 'Romeo'"

Oh crap! I forgot that I was suppose to rehearse my lines for 'Romeo'. That slip my mind for a sec! Forget about that for a moment, I have to ask you something too.

"Yume, do you like me?"

I gave the same look I give Asahi when he hugs (chokes) me.

She abruptly turned red.


I know that look, she's obviously lying.

"Are you...lying?"

"Of course...NOT!"

"Prove it"

Yume: POV

"Prove what?

I asked him. "On our date tomorrow, prove me that you don't  like me"  He answered. I can't tell if he's happy or is he just testing me. Holy, how did my brother even become friends with a guy like him? "Fine! Challenge accepted!" I gave out a hand to him. "What's the catch, Subaru?" I asked him leaving myself a question. "If I win, you get to be my girlfriend, If you win, I'll do anything you want" He said it so plainly, like he doesn't care if he wins or not. "Oh yeah, and the date starts at 4:30 at the amusement park"

Well, I have to win! This is the only chance that I have with him. It might be the only chance I have!... To tell him that I like him.

~ Saturday Morning ~

Subaru's POV

I woke up and dressed up for the date I'm having. I'm not really worried about the challenge we're having. I know I'm gonna win this anyway. If I ask a girl out, there's no way on earth Boiled Octopus or Yume, will never win! "Ahahahahahahahaha!!Hahaha!" While I was laughing wickedly, someone knocked on my room and opened it. Asahi asked me, "Are you going somewhere Subaru?" He asked and looked at my clothes. I turned to him and answered it for him, "Yeah, I have a date with Yume today"

"Wow Subaru, are you excited for this date or what?" Asahi asked me and smiled at me as if he was teasing me. "I setted out a challenge to make it more interesting for both of us" I smirked and gave a laugh again. "What was the challenge?" Asahi said and got his computer in the desk since they were roommates and all. I told Asahi everything and even he smirked about it at the end, I never ever saw this side of him. "Aren't you going to be late, Subaru? I mean your date starts at 4:30 doesn't it?" Asahi told me, "And it's currently....." The blonde haired boy looked at his wrist and looked at the small watch he has and responded to what time it was, "4:25"

My body almost flipped. I ran out of the door and quickly got a small carton of milk with a straw on it. I took my disguise outfit, not wanting to be discovered by the people around us and be recorded in TV that me and Yume here are dating. I took a cab and headed to the amusement park. It was so loud their. I pushed through the crowd and found Yume being surrounded by a lot of boys throwing cans and food at her!

I got in the crowd and took off my glasses and my cap so I get through their. I shouted my name and everyone turned around to face me. I don't even care if I get reported to TV and be recorded there, all I want to do is protect Yume!

"What are you doing to Yume?" I said that and gave them a death glare. They all looked at me and made a path from me to her. I walked slowly to her  and hugged her. I don't know why, but people are taking videos and pictures of us two, and of course girls are crying over and being jealous wishing that they were Yume.

Yume was still crying and holding onto my sleeve tightly looking down. "Come on Yume, let's go back, I'll call a limo to pick us up, ok?" I smiled gently at her and she hugged me even tighter. "Thank you, Subaru~kun." She whispered quietly to me and I quickly blushed.

"It's okay, besides..." I paused and looked towards the sunset and continued, "All I wanted to do, is to protect you, Yume" She looked towards me and blushed, her whole face was red. "Hehe, you win Subaru" She playfully said and looked at me with a big grin. I stopped walking and stared at her. "Really, you'd be...." My mind was still blank and was still staring at her.

I still smiled at her and said, "Thank you, Yume"

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