Chapter 19: Going Up In Flames

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“Wait five minutes before beginning. Your goal is in that direction.” Carol instructs as she points to the right. “Good luck.” She turns, disappearing back down the path she had lead them up.

Once she’s gone, Otaru motions for the others to gather around. “Here’s the plan. I’ll lead, LIz follows behind me, Delta girls in the middle, Matias at the end to cover us from behind. If we come into conflict with the enemy, Delta girls stay back while the rest of us take care of it. Liz, you’re in charge of protecting them if necessary, understood?”

Ahara cuts in before Liz has a chance to respond, “Lyndley and I can handle ourselves, but thanks for your concern.” Her tone is bitter and if looks could kill Otaru would be dead.

“Listen, shorty, Otaru didn’t mean anything by it. Statistically you techies aren’t good at combat roles, you tend to get in trouble a lot. That’s why you stay back and work with the tech.” Matias says matter-of-factly.

“Excuse me?! I kicked you once and I won’t hesitate to do it again.” Ahara growls at him.

“Guys…” Liz murmurs nervously as she watches the scene in front of her unfold.

“Everyone shut up.” Lyndley interjects sternly, immediately gaining the small team’s attention. “Otaru had a good plan, we’ll stick with it. Remember the goal is to make it to the shed with the most members alive. No goofing off,” She looks to Matias, “and no doing anything stupid to prove yourself.” This time she looks to Ahara. “Five minutes is up, let’s get moving.”

They fall into line and quietly make their way through the trees and snow. Otaru and Liz are silent, even the snow below their feet is soundless. THe other three have more trouble with this, unable to keep it from crunching as it compacts beneath their weight.

Matias leans forward and whispers to Ahara, “I don’t know why we’re bothering to move silently when your hair gives us away. That gorgeous orange can be seen for miles.”

“If you’re trying to compliment me you’re doing it wrong.” Ahara remarks, keeping her focus on the path in front of her.

“Is it dyed or naturally obnoxious like your personality?” Matias adds. Although the words are harsh his tone is playful.

“It’s dyed, just like your clothes will be dyed red with paint if you don’t back off.” She fires back while aiming the gun toward him, although a faint smile tugs at the corners of her mouth.

“I like your style.” Matias responds as he allows the gap between them to expand to a more reasonable space.

The march through the woods is uneventful for the red team. Occasionally a bird will take flight from a branch overhead and cause snow to fall to the ground. Once the sounds of their approaching footsteps startles a squirrel which in turn startles Liz. This earns a chuckle from everyone but Otaru who has his eyes fixed on something farther ahead.

“Hey, look over there.” He points forward.

Barely visible through the trees sits the dark outline of a small building. Even from this distance it’s easy to see the structure is falling apart. Dark stains cover the roof along with patches of missing shingles and areas where the wood caved in or rotted away. Ivy grows up the sides in large clumps, covering the windows which are coated with dust on the inside. There’s an air of abandonment as well as age to it.

“Take cover!” Matias yells, pushing Ahara forward. Not even a second later a shot rings out followed by the thunk of a paintball hitting Matias’s protective vest.

Everyone but Matias hides behind the nearest cover, a large tree or boulder of some kind. Matias, who was hit right in the center of his vest, sits down on the ground to wait until further instructions are given. Even the largest tree nearby does little to protect the students who have no idea where the attack is coming from.

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