Chapter 4: Can't Catch Me

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“What am I supposed to do?” Liz asks, peeking around the tree she is hiding behind to get a clearer view of the warehouse.

The building is on the small side for a warehouse, only two stories tall. The grey paint that covers the building is peeling away, revealing the rusting metal paneling that makes up the walls. From where Liz and the other two are hiding, they can see the front entrance, a simple double metal door with an armed guard standing on each side.

“Circle the building and look for details such as vents, windows, or doors that can be used to enter. Also look for the security measures they have in place like cameras and guards. Open windows and vents are often better for getting into the building unnoticed, they tend to have less security.” Nico explains.

“Stay quiet and stay out of sight. If you don’t find anything circle back here. If you do manage to find a way in, let Lyn know so she can tell us.” Adela adds.

Liz gives a small nod, “Okay.”

She takes a deep breath then turns right, moving slightly closer to the building but making sure to stay in the shadows of the trees. The side of the building isn’t much better off than the front appearance wise. There are a few windows, but all of them have bars across them. Thick layers of dust coat the glass from the inside, making it impossible to get a peek at what is hidden within.

Circling around the back of the building, Liz finds a large metal door. On closer inspection she finds that it’s locked with a large padlock. She continues until she finds a service ladder that leads up to the roof. After looking around cautiously for any guards, she scampers out from her cover in the trees and up the ladder.

“Lyndley, I think I found something. I’m going to check it out.” Liz whispers as she nears the top.

“Alright, I will let Nico and Adela know.” Lyndley responds immediately, her voice crackling through the headset. “We are tracking your movements to create a layout of your path. Any information you can safely add to the layout of the building is helpful.”

“Got it.” Liz reaches the top and pulls herself up onto the roof.

She stays crouching low as she scans the roof for an entrance. Her eyes light up when she sees the large service vent on the other side. There’s also a door a short ways away but she remembers Nico’s warning about entering through doors.

Liz walks over to the vent and begins to pry off the covering. Before it’s all the way off someone grabs her from behind. Liz lets out a small gasp of surprise as she’s pulled away and thrown roughly to the ground. She looks up to see a rather angry looking man in an all black uniform glowering down at her.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He demands.

Liz slowly gets to her feet again, “Uh, hi.” She laughs nervously, her voice high pitched from fear. “I was looking for the bathroom?” The attempt at an excuse seems lame even to her.

The man’s eyes narrow and he lunges for Liz, swinging a fist toward her head. Liz barely ducks out of the way in time, she feels a slight breeze as his fist sails over her head. As she straightens up she steps back, tryin to put space between her and her attacker. The man advances toward her sending two more punches at her. She blocks the first but the second hits her on the side of her head, causing her to stumble back.

“Liz, what’s your situation?” Lyndley’s voice comes through the headset once again.

“Help.” Is all Liz manages to squeak before she is forced to dive out of the way of a kick.

She rolls and stands up again. As the man moves toward her again she attempts to throw a punch at him.

“How many?” This time it’s Nico speaking.

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