Chapter 26: The Perfect Soldier

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"They're missing? How? Adela isn't a weak fighter. Shouldn't she have been able to fight the attackers off?" Ahara asks.

"It doesn't matter, the fact is that she and Liz have joined the growing list of missing people in this city." Nico states. It's easy to see how badly he's itching to go out and look for them.

"We can't take part in the investigation until we're invited in by the authorities. If I had a choice then we'd have been out there searching by now." Matias crosses his arms, his eyebrows furrowed in worry and concentration.

"Invited in? You're the leader of a spy organization." Razor bursts out.

"Only for an hour now." Matias points out."That isn't the point. The point is that you're in a position that can do something. What happened to us being your responsibility? Or do you not care now that you've arrived here and been promoted?" Razor growls, stepping forward so he's face to face with Matias.

"Don't go putting words into my mouth, DeLeon." Matias responds with a forced calm, his eyes flaring up in anger.

"Hey, this isn't helping anything." Ahara pipes up.

"Your actions are speaking for you, Mancera." Razor counters, imitating the same calm, authoritative tone.

Just as Matias is about to take a swing at Razor, Adela's phone starts to ring. Everyone freezes, looking at the small, cracked screen lighting up as it vibrates on the table between the two couches. Lyndley's name is displayed clearly on the caller ID.

Matias lowers his fist slowly, "Well, who's going to answer it?"

Nico picks up the phone, presses the accept call button, and holds it up to his ear. "Hey, Lyn. . . She's busy right now. . . We'll send someone to pick you up. . . yeah. . . bye." He lowers the phone from his ear and tosses it back onto the table. "So, who wants to pick her up from the hospital? Someone with a car is preferred."

"You go, Nico. The Amazonian Warriors van is still outside. Tell the driver it's under my orders." Matias instructs.

"Finally using that authority of yours to do something, huh?" says Razor.

"Will the two of you behave while I'm gone?" Nico looks between Razor and Matias.

"Just go, Nico." Razor responds, turning and walking out of the room.

Nico shakes his head then looks at Ahara, "Keep them from killing each other while I'm gone."

"I'll try." Ahara answers, giving a small wave to Nico as he leaves before turning to Matias. "Were you really going to hit him? Razor, I mean."

"Ahara, now is not the time." Matias sighs, sinking down onto the couch and running a hand over his face.

Ahara crosses her arms, stepping toward him. "You do know we're all on the same side here, right? It's not going to do us any good if we turn against each other."

"I don't need you nagging me right now, Ahara." Matias looks up at her. "Just leave me alone."

She frowns but nods, "Fine, but this conversation is not over." She turns and walks down the hall she saw Razor disappear down a few minutes before. Ahara can hear him before she sees him, the loud sound of him hitting the punching bag in the gym leading her down the hall and through the door."Razor?"

"What do you want?" He grunts, punching the bag rapidly a few times before falling back into a steady pattern.

"I know you're stressed and worried right now, but -"

"But what?" He turns to look at her, "If it's some garbage that Matias told you to say, I don't want to hear it."

"What? No." Ahara's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Why would I -"

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