Chapter 18: Blue and Purple

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The cold air starts to warm up slightly as February turns into March, the first day of spring only a few short weeks away. Outside, the snow has started to melt, allowing the tips of the grass to be seen once again. The trees still stand dull and bare against the sky though, helping to keep the gloomy atmosphere present. It’s been a little over a month since Ty’s funeral, the grief and pain of regret has still yet to fade.

“Good morning students.” Mrs. Sanders’s voice has started to serve as an alarm to the students, her morning announcements often waking them all up around six. “Today, everyone is to report to the shooting range during your usual scheduled team class. This includes Delta students.” There’s a click signaling the end to the announcement.

Adela groans as she pulls her pillow over her head, fighting the urge to scream into it. It’s too early to be up, why couldn’t this have waited until her alarm at seven? Why can’t the announcements ever wait until seven?

She lifts the covers off of her in an attempt to get up, but when the cool air of the room floods in she quickly drops them back on top of herself. “Too cold, not getting up.” She murmurs, turning over and closing her eyes. “Just five more minutes…”

A sharp knock at the door wakes her up, “You up yet? Get up.”

Adela fights back the urge to tell the person to fuck off, knowing that the voice belongs to the new Omega teacher, Jessica. Jessica had arrived two weeks ago, appearing seemingly out of nowhere during the team class, her long dark hair pulled back and a face challenging anyone to mouth off to her. She wasn’t that different from Sir in her way of punishment, actually, she was more like Sir than anyone could really explain why. The Omega students had brushed off the feeling, assuming that it’s just the personality type the school prefers to hire for that position.

“Adela Goulding you better be standing out here up and dressed in ten minutes unless you feel like a morning run.” Jessica’s voice snaps before her footsteps move to a different door.

Adela groans again as she forces herself to sit up and get out of bed. She rushes to brush her hair and put it in her signature braid. Once that’s done Adela throws on a pair of black sweatpants and a blue tee shirt. She leaves her room before her shoes are all the way on, hopping in place outside her door to pull the final one on completely.

“Glad you could finally join us, Adela.” Jessica states cooly.

All the other Omega students are already standing outside their doors, dressed and ready. Nico looks as pissed as always, he disapproves of this morning routine as Adela does. Otaru avoids eye contact with Adela, whatever might have sparked between them faded quickly after their argument in the hallway. Matias and Razor both stay looking straight ahead although their eyes are both hooded with sleep.

“You might have had it easy when your last instructor was here. He isn’t here anymore, I am.” Jessica asserts as she paces in front of the students. “You will follow my rules and my instructions. You’re a pathetic bunch right now,” She makes a point to look at Adela while saying this, “and I plan on changing that. Get some breakfast and head to class.”

A murmur of “Yes ma’am.” is heard from all five students as they turn, trudging downstairs to the dining hall.

Adela collapses into a chair next to Lyndley after grabbing a strawberry Poptart from the cupboards, “She’s trying to kill us!”

“That bad?” Lyndley asks, busy typing away on her laptop.

“Worse. She’s just so… ugh!” Adela makes strangling motions in front of her before leaning back in her seat again.

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