Chapter 12: Operation Serpent

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Blaring alarms and flashing lights scare all the students awake one morning a week later. Mrs. Sanders’ voice over the PA system joins the ringing alarms. “Students, your first official mission will take place today. Everyone is to repeat to the meeting hall immediately. Tardiness will not be tolerated.” There’s a click as the PA shuts off. Soon after the alarms and flashing lights die down as well.

Ty slowly pulls herself out of bed, doing her best to ignore the throbbing pain in her head which she’s hoping is just a result of the alarm. She pulls on fresh jeans and a black shirt, yanks a brush hastily through her hair, then leaves her room.

When she arrives at the meeting hall everyone else is already there waiting. Ahara and Lyndley are seated at the Delta table, the two whispering quietly to each other. Liz is at the Beta table, her head down on the table with her eyes closed. Naomi sits next to her, looking at her somewhat worriedly. Over at the Omega table, Otaru and Adela are sitting next to each other. As always, Nico stands at the back of the room leaning against the wall. He’s twirling a knife in his hands, a bored expression on his face as always, although something in his eyes is different than normal, Ty can’t place what it is exactly.

Once Ty takes her seat, Mrs. Sanders steps up to the podium and begins speaking. “Students, early this morning I received word of a possible terrorist unit nearby. Their group or country of origin isn’t currently known, but we do have a pretty good guess of who they are. Your mission is to enter their base, gather information, and take as many into custody as possible. Kill only if necessary.”

While she was talking, a screen had lowered from the ceiling. It now shows a blueprint layout of a building. “This is where the terrorist unit is currently housed. Beta, you are to enter first, find out exactly how many we are dealing with and what weapons they have. Once you have a general idea, you are to inform Omega team. Omega, you will be entering the building on signal   . Delta, once the building is clear you are to enter and gather what information you can from anything that they leave behind.”

Mrs. Sanders scans the face of the students in the meeting hall, making eye contact one by one before continuing, “Due to the high risk of this mission, especially being that it’s your first, Sir and Mr. O. will be going in with Beta and Omega. Carol will be helping the Delta students once they arrive back at the school. Any questions?”

Nico raises his hand half-heartedly before speaking up, “Are you going to tell us who you believe these people are, or is that classified? Also, what weapons do you suggest we take?”

Ty raises her hand as well, “Is there a possibility of death?”

Mrs. Sanders first looks at Nico, “As stated earlier, we have a good idea of who these people work for. This information is on a need-to-know basis only, you have no need to know this information therefore it is classified. As for weapons, small caliber with a silencer, throwing or fighting knives, and any other short to mid-range weaponry are suggested. Bring whatever you are best at using.” Mrs. Sanders then turns her attention to Ty, “Death is always a possibility in your profession, you should know this by now. The risk for this mission specifically is low. You are a highly capable team and have been working together for a while with the exception of Otaru and Naomi. You are also going in with your instructors who will cover for any mistake you may make.”

“Any other questions?” Mrs. Sanders looks around the room once again.

“Does this mission have a codename?” Adela asks sarcastically, earning a few snickers from the other students.

Mrs. Sanders looks directly at Adela, “Operation Serpent.” The ominous tone in her voice silences the students, a heavy feeling now weighing down the air in the room.

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