Chapter 37: A Return to the Beginning

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"I'm not ready for this," Ahara says quietly as Matias attaches the ceremonial cape to her uniform behind her. The green and black uniform feels bulky and unfamiliar on her shoulders, and her red hair stands out brightly against the dark colors.

"Of course you aren't," Matias says, smoothing down the cape before catching her eye in the mirror. "I don't think anyone is ever really ready for this responsibility."

"Is that supposed to comfort me? Because it didn't work," Ahara says with a weak laugh. She can't believe she let him talk her into this, but at the same time, she is willing to do anything he asks. Anything.

"No, it wasn't. There isn't a whole lot of comfort in this life. Just the harsh face of reality." Matias leaves her view in the reflection, shuffling around some of the objects in the small room they're using to prepare for the ceremony. "Fair warning, the ceremony is going to be in Portuguese. A lot of it is just traditional stuff that doesn't mean anything anyway. I will ask you to say an oath, but all you have to do is repeat it back to me line by line. Then you will salute to the audience, and then the ceremony is over. I know you can do it."

"What if I mess up? What if I mispronounce something, or stumble?" She isn't ready for this. Not even slightly. The more she thinks about it, the more nervous she gets. Ahara pulls at the sleeves of the uniform. The cape is an awful distraction.

"You won't. Even if you do, it isn't that big of a deal anyway. You're being sworn in as their new leader, they have to respect you."

"Do they? That sounds, I don't know, dictator-ish? Are you sure they'll respect me? I'm an outsider."

"Quit worrying, Ahara. I already told you, you're a placeholder anyway. Temporary, just to help me until someone else I trust is able to step forward. I'll help you along as we go, okay?" He turns her around to face him, taking her hands in both of his. "You're smart, logical, brave, and a fast learner. You'll do just fine, okay?"

Ahara takes a deep breath before nodding. "Okay. Let's get this over with then." The two of them walk out of the room together, heading to the front lawn of the building.

Just as when Matias and Rena had been sworn in only a few days earlier, the front lawn is covered in rows of chairs that are all filled with agents in uniform. The chairs are all facing a small raised stage at the front, and a narrow aisle leading to the stage splits the rows in half.

First, the two elders from the previous ceremony walk down the aisle, then Matias alone, and finally, Ahara. She tries to keep her head held high as she walks, but she can feel their stares. Whispers and murmurs make their way around the crowd, and Ahara knows they must be talking about her. Whispers about the new girl, the one who has no right to hold such a high position, becoming a leader to their organization. She does her best to ignore them and keep her eyes pointed ahead to the stage, to Matias. When she climbs the steps, she takes her place and stands next to Matias, looking out at the crowd who are all staring her down.

While the man and woman give their speeches in Portuguese, Ahara allows her eyes to wander the crowd. She's thankful to find the familiar faces of the other students peering up at her, the only comfort she can find in this strange situation. Not all their faces are kind though, Razor is sending piercing glares at Matias, and Nico has a displeased look, although it is hard to tell if that's his emotion or just his face from this distance.

The man and woman finish their speeches, then Matias steps forward and gives a short speech as well. When he is finished, he turns to Ahara. "Repeat after me," he says in English before feeding the oath to her slowly, line by line. Ahara repeats it as best she can, thankful for how slow he is going with it. She makes it through, only stumbling on a word once or twice. When she is finished, she turns back to the audience and imitates the salute she had seen Rena and Matias do a few days earlier. A sigh of relief escapes her as the audience returns the salute.

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