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         I woke up to a sweet sounding girls voice and a baby. "You awake love?" Harry asked. "Uh-huh." I said quietly. "Lads,she's up." Harry said. My eyes were half open and I felt weak. "Lou,she's over here." Zayn said. A really pretty blonde woman walked in carrying a baby. "Hi there love, I'm Lou. You must be Konner." Lou said handing the baby to Niall. She crouched to my level and I smiled weakly at her. "Tell me what's wrong love." She said sweetly. "I just feel weak and dizzy." I whispered. "Are you hungry?" she asked. I shook my head. She looked a little confused. "Louis,when did she last eat?" She asked standing but still looking at me. "Yesterday evening." Louis said. "I see your all rares. It seems like she needs a healer or a witch,she's sick." Lou said. "Arabella." I said to Harry. He nodded and looked up. "One of her friends is a witch." Harry said. "Call her and get her over here." Lou said. Liam walked out of the room with my phone and called her. "How sick is she Lou?" Niall asked. "I better not answer that." Lou said. The baby girl crawled towards me and stood in front of me. I smiled weakly at her and she put her hand on the side of my face. I felt instant bliss and relaxation. "Lux,you've got to stop doing that." Lou said looking at the baby. She looked at me then looked confused. "Konner,love,how do feel?" Lou asked. "Relaxed." I said. Lou nodded and looked at Lux. "Good job baby." She said picking up the infant. Lou was walking to the kitchen with Lux and knocked a picture off the wall,then it stopped and started floating. Louis smiled at himself and it lifted into its original spot. "Did you do that Louis?" Harry asked. "Yeah,its my rare thinga-ma-bob. I move things with my mind." Louis said. "Guess what I can do!"Niall said excited,from somewhere. "I give up." Louis said. Then Niall appeared beside Louis. "I turn invisible." Niall said smiling. "Mine seems so mean compared yours." I mumbled. "Nah,yours is self-defense." Harry said. "Mine is girly." Liam said as he walked in. "How?" Zayn asked him. "Ready?" he asked me. I nodded and looked at Liam. "Look at Zayn,Zayn look at Konner." Liam said. Then Zayn started becoming more and more attractive. It stopped and I blinked a few times. "I make one person seem more attractive to another." Liam said. "At least you don't get fucking wings." Zayn said. I looked at him and he sighed closed his eyes and clear wings appeared. My eyes widened and he opened his eyes. "What's yours Harry?" Niall asked. "Don't know yet." Harry said. "Ya haven't gotten yours yet?" Zayn asked. "Nope." Harry said. I felt a pain slowly growing in my stomach and Harry knew it. "Get Lou,and a bowl."Harry said and soon enough I was puking in a bowl and Lou was watching. The doorbell rang and Liam ran off to get the door. Liam returned with Arabella by his side and looked at Lou. "Your friend is sick, she need to be healed. Can you do it?" Lou asked my best friend. "Yes,I can but it takes time,and she'd most likely be asleep for a few days to a week afterwards." Arabella said. The guys nodded and Lou nodded too. I was put on my bed in my room and Arabella was mixing stuff up in a pot and chanting words I couldn't understand.

                    Arabella's POV

      I have been staying at Konner's since the day I healed her. The guys have been taking turns feeding her and I have been in the guest room most of the time. I walked into Konner room and sat beside her bed. "Oh wake up soon please." I whispered. I looked up at Konner and sighed. I stood and walked towards the door when I heard my name being said. "Arabella,did you fix me?" Konner asked. I turned. "Yeah,I did,wanna go downstairs?" I asked. "Yeah,I miss my boys." Konner said as we walked downstairs. We walked into the living room and stood in the doorway. "Hey guys." Konner said. Five heads shot up and stared at her. "Konner." Five voices said. I smiled at the sight as they all took turns kissing and hugging their mate. They stopped and Niall stepped over to me. "Thank you." He said then wrapped me in a tight hug. "I,can't breath." I said. Niall laughed and let me go. "And its no problem,I help all my friends." I added.

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