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         I sat up and looked around I was outside,at night, and the guys were all asleep. I crawled towards Louis,the closest,and shook his shoulder. He grumbled a bit but sat up. Something seemed a little off about him but I shook it off. "Help me wake the others." I said. He didn't answer just stood and started waking them up.

        After everyone was awake and inside that's when I noticed something. We weren't inside the house we'd been in before. "Guys where are we?" I asked. "Harry's." Zayn answered roughly before turning his back on me. "Ok." I mumbled. I looked around and noticed the guys looked,different, meaner. "What're you staring at?" Niall snapped. "N-nothing just looking around." I mumbled before looking at the ground. I sat down on the couch and started playing with my fingers. "You hungry?" Harry asked,obviously annoyed. "K-kinda." I said. "Well come on." he said. I stood and we went hunting.

          Once we came back the guys all went to their rooms and one by one locks clicked. I heard a quit thump and a groan come from a room downstairs. I looked around and heard another groan come from the room in front of me. I opened the door and saw the guys sitting,tied up,in chairs. They looked over at me and tried to talk through the duct tape over their mouths. I walked in and looked at them. "You've found us out." A voice behind me said. I turned around and saw five guys,with mismatch eyes. And when I say mismatch I mean they each had two eye colors. "So do you want to know our names?" The Louis look alike asked. "Not really but I have a feeling you'll tell me anyway." I snapped. "Well I'm Lynn,that's Henry,that's Lee,N.J,and Zack." The Louis look alike said. "Fantastic." I said sarcastically. "Well,you're going to be a good girl and sit in here with them. Don't try to escape but you can untie your little lovers." Henry said. I glared at them and they left. I heard a click and turned to the guys. "I knew they weren't you guys,they were too mean." I mumbled while untying the guys. "I'm afraid to get the duct tape off." I said. "Juh do it." Zayn said through the tape. I winced as I pulled in off. "Owww!" Zayn said. "I'm sorry." I mumbled.

          After I got them all untied and untaped,I sat against the wall and pulled my legs up to my chest. "You alright?" Niall asked sitting in front of me on the floor. I looked up at him and gave him an are you serious look. My eyes must've changed a little cause Niall stood and looked at Liam nervously. Then on cue my stomach growled. The guys all shared a look. "Why do you all look so nervous?" I asked. "Well,your a newborn still." Liam said. "And?" I asked slightly annoyed. "Your bloodlust is stronger,so your more likely to,well,attack and get annoyed easier." Liam said. I raised on eyebrow and felt my fangs grow longer. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. I closed my eyes and took long slow breathes as my fangs went back to normal. I opened my eyes and smiled an open mouth smile. "How did you do that?" Louis asked. "Deep breathes,and stay calm." I said voice shaking slightly. "I've never seen someone do that." Liam said. "Probably cause it hurts like hell." I mumbled. "How does it hurt?" Harry asked curiously. "It feels like, uh how do I explain it,Ok. Take your pinky and bend it back as far as you can with out it breaking,that's the pain." I explained. Liam nodded and looked at his hand. Then the door opened. "Here's a few bloods for the newborn." N.J. said while throwing in a few. Then the door shut. I growled slightly and ran and grabbed one and moaned while drinking it. "Oh don't do that." Louis said biting his lip. "Do what?" I asked while picking up my second blood bag. "Moan." Liam answered. I drank some more and sighed.

        "Were you really that hungry?" Niall asked. "I only had four." I mumbled. "Your eyes." Liam said as I looked up. "What?" I asked. "Their a strange color." Zayn said sounding preoccupied. "What color?" I asked. "Neon yellow." Louis mumbled. "I never thought I'd see that color." Niall mumbled. "It means,semi magical. As in a rare vampire." Harry said staring into my eyes. I felt a blush rise a little and looked down. "Wait. Rare vampires can only mate with other ones!" Louis said. "Then does that mean?" Niall started. "It takes different amounts of time for different vampires." Liam said looking confused. "This explains so damn much tho." Zayn said. "When I was first turned,I found myself wanting people hurt,and it would happen in exactly the way I wanted." Zayn mumbled. I looked down and sighed. I wish I had something to help us get out of here. I thought. Then the door opened and I closed my eyes. "Is she asleep?" N.J. asked pointing. "Yeah,she's been through quite I bit lately." Louis answered. "Well wake her up,the others are asleep and I'm getting you all out of here." N.J. said hurriedly. "How do we know this isn't a trap?" Harry asked. "Just come on." N.J. said. They sighed but I felt someone picking me up. I opened my eyes slightly and saw a nervous looking Zayn. "We're getting outta here." He mumbled.

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