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             I woke wearing a blue sweatshirt that said 'I woke up like this',skinny jeans,and black converse. I stretched and looked around. "Are you sure?" I heard an unfamiliar voice ask. "Look if I wasn't sure,do you think she would've woke up crying?" Another voice said. "Plus we got out a little later then we should have and we like,got younger,two reasons to leave." A third voice said. I stood and looked in the mirror. I looked down at my wrist and saw Liam's initials but they weren't black,they were purple. I stepped over to the door and opened it. I saw five familiar guys,but younger,like fifteen and sixteen. "Uh good morning?" Louis asked more then said. "We have so much to explain." Liam said. "Like why we're teenagers?" Harry asked. "And why she had the dream." Zayn said. "Yeah I'd really love the answers to those questions,but explain the teenager one first?" I said running my fingers through my hair. "Ok well,to explain the teenage thing we have to explain the dream." Niall said. They all flipped their hair before continuing. "Well,we're going to have to move to a different house every time you have one on one. Because there are side effects. The dream was one of them,and us being teenagers is another. Oh and by the way,we should be Ok with one on one later today for whoever's next. We grow fast." Harry said. After him explaining everything they looked around seventeen and eighteen. "Ok. So its my fault we had to run to,wait where are we?" I asked. "A small place in Wolverhampton England." Liam said. "Oh look by the way." I said holding out my wrist. "Its purple." Liam said. I nod and smile at the guys. "I'm hungry." I mumble before looking up. "God here come the hard part. We can't exactly hunt here." Liam said nervously. "What,do you mean?" I asked. "We're kinda in the middle of the city." Zayn said. They were all back to their normal ages. I felt a dull pain in my stomach,almost like being punched. I gasped and laid my hands over my stomach. Liam groaned a little and looked up. "Well shit,I forgot we feel each others pain after we go one on one." Liam said laughing a little. "Wait I know this is an odd question for right now but who's next?" Louis asked. "I don't know?" I said shrugging. Liam looked at my wrist and smirked. He pointed to initials and I looked down, Z.J.M. Zayn. He looked up at Zayn and smiled a crooked smile. Zayn looked up and smirked a little. Hope your not sore from Liam still. Cause I go slow,hard,and long. I heard Zayn's voice say in my head. I blushed and looked wide eyed at Zayn. He bit his lip as his eyes raked up and down my body. Another pain went through my stomach,only worse then before. I groaned and hunched over holding my stomach in pain. "Guys she needs some blood in her system." Harry said. "Well there's only one way for that to work right now." Niall hinted. "I know Niall." Liam sighed. Liam looked at me and bit his wrist. I gasped and he held it out for me. "Drink,I'll stop you when you've had enough." Liam said quietly. I reluctantly bit down on Liam's wrist on started drinking. Why the fuck does he taste like Hershey's? I thought to myself. I felt someone pushing me back so I stepped back a bit and looked around. "Well that was odd." Harry says. I turn and see the guys all against the wall with their shirts off. "What the hell happened?" I asked,dazed. "You drank from me but when you pulled away we were up against the wall shirtless." Liam said confused. "Well,I'm bored." Louis said. "Me too." Zayn said looking over at me. "Are you guys gonna be loud?" Niall asked. "Doesn't matter really,soundproof walls." Liam said pointing. "Oh,sick." Louis said looking around. "Doesn't look like it." Harry said. I hadn't lost eye contact with Zayn yet and his eyes had gotten considerably darker,almost black. "They look like their about to attack each other,let's get out of here. Fast." Niall said noticing Zayn right in front of me.


            I was pinned against the bed underneath Zayn moaning his name. "Scream,it. Scream,my name." Zayn growled. "ZAYN!" I screamed. He sucked on my neck as we both came undone and he rolled off of me. "Holy shit,that was amazing." I breathed as Zayn wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. "Ditto." he agreed as he nestled his face to the crook of my neck. I yawned and soon fell asleep.

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