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Liam's POV

She told us to keep her alive no matter what. We knew what she meant. That was three days ago. We've been in her room since then. "Guys,her heartbeat." Louis said. "Shit." Harry muttered. "Guys we promised no matter what." Niall mumbled. "We know." Zayn said tiredly. Her heartbeat is near stopping. "Count of three." I mumbled. Heads nodded. One Two Three. We bit down and knew the venom was saving her. "Think she'll be mad?" Niall asked worriedly. "No she said no matter what." I said. "She'll be up in two days. Let's get ready." Harry said. We nod. Two days she'll be horny as fuck.

Niall's POV

Its been two days,we can't wait for her to wake up. All we're doing is sitting on the couch. A yawn came from the room she's in. Then tiny approaching footsteps. A door open and close. Then she walked in wrapped in a towel. "Any reason I woke up naked?" Konner asked still holding up the towel. "Well,you grew a little." Louis said. "What do you mean?" she asked. "You were dying. We had to save you." Liam said. "So,I'm a-" she started. "Uh huh." Zayn said. "Cool." She whispered. "None of your clothes are gonna fit right." Harry said. "What am I gonna do for clothes then?" she asked. "You could always try yours. Their just gonna be smaller." I said with a small shrug. So beautiful. "Ok. I'm gonna go take a shower and change and stuff." She said before walking upstairs.

Konner's POV

After I got dressed in a now extremely tight T-shirt,jeans,a beanie,and my converse. I brushed my hair and looked in the mirror. My boobs had gotten slightly bigger and my butt was huge. My eyes had changed from a dull blue to a piercing ocean blue. My face was pale but pretty and I was skinnier. I love how I look. But my favorite thing is my scars are still there. I walked back downstairs and saw the guys,my emotion was indescribable. I was happy and excited and just dreamy feeling. I looked over at them. My mouth moved in the word mate and I knew what would end up happening later. I was downstairs in seconds and the guys were staring at me. "Why all the staring?" I asked smirking. "Your so beautiful." Five voices answered. I laughed a little and looked down embarrassed. "I'm an emotion reader just so you know." Harry said. "I read dreams and understand facial expressions." Zayn said. "Mind control." Liam said. "Emotion control." Louis said. "And I can change peoples outer appearance." Niall said. "Cool." I said with a smile. "Wanna see what we looked like before we were bit?" Niall asked. I nod eagerly. They shrunk a little and some of their tattoos slowly disappeared. They looked less dangerous but still hot. "There's a side effect for us changing back." Niall said. They grew again and all had pillows covering up. I blushed and laughed a little. "I will seriously make you look five just so you can be embarrassed." Niall threatened. I stopped laughing and smiled. "We're gonna go get dressed you can stare as we walk away." Louis said. I sat on the couch and they ran off. They were back in seconds. "I'm hungry." I mumbled quietly. The guys looked up at me nervously. "Wanna go hunting?" Niall asked. I looked up and smiled. "Let's go." Five voices said.

We were in the woods and the guys were teaching me. "Alright move swiftly and silently." Harry said. "Smell that? Follow the smell." Niall said. I followed the smell with the guys behind me. "Crouch." Liam said. "Ready and attack." Zayn said. I jumped and landed and the deer. I sucked it dry in minutes. I looked up and the guys looked back at me happy. "Messy eater." Louis said. I blushed. "That's really hot though." Harry said. "Yeah." Niall said. "The blood is uh dripping down." Zayn said pointing. I looked down and saw it running down to my chest. I wiped my collar bone and licked my lips. "Don't lick your lips like that." Liam said. "Why not?" I asked. They looked up at me and bit their lips. "Oh. Its too hot for you huh?" I asked. While wiping my mouth with the back of my hand and licking it off. They started breathing irregularly. "I'm still hungry. So I'm gonna find another deer." I said. I zoomed off and caught a scent quickly. I attacked and sucked it dry quickly. "Worse mess then before." I mumbled before sitting on my knees. "Konner let's go back to the house." Niall said. "I'm a mess." I said standing. "What do you mean?" Harry asked. I turned around and they laughed. "Don't laugh at me." I mumbled. I wiped some off of my collar bone with one finger and stuck my finger in my mouth making their jaws drop. I laughed and took off towards the house. I made it inside. I looked in a mirror and started wiping off blood. "Oh Konner!" Five voices yelled. "What?" I yelled in reply. They guys walked in and smiled at me mischievously. "Your planning something I can tell." I said while I licked blood off my lips. I looked back in the mirror my eyes were dark,like a navy blue color. "Wait you never told me what it means when eyes darker." I said still looking in the mirror. "Horny,why do you want to know?" Harry asked. "No reason." I answered quickly. "Oh you answered too quick." Louis said. "Look at me." Liam said. I looked up with my eyes closed. "Oh I figured it out!" Harry exclaimed. "Ms. Virgin. Is horny." Harry said. I opened my eyes and they smirked. "I'm gonna hurt you Styles." I said smirking. He smiled and took off and j chased him. "You can't catch me." He yelled before tripping. I straddled him. "Your it." I said before running away. "Harry's it run away!" I yelled.

We collapsed on the couch exhausted. "I'm bored." I said. "And hungry again." Harry said. I gave a playful glare and stuck my tongue out at him. "Let's go the boys are hungry too. They didn't eat earlier." Harry said. "Let's go." I said. We walked out into the woods and my stomach growled. I got looks from the guys. "Don't look at me like me. I'm hungry." I said. I smelt blood and looked at the guys. Then I took off,I saw a deer a few feet away. I attacked. "Shit,your fast." Niall said. I ran off again. Mine. "Sit the next one out please." Harry said. I nod and decide to climb. I jumped and climbed up to a tree limb I liked. "Konner where are you?" Louis asked. "In a tree." I said. Louis looked up and smiled. "Jump down." Louis said. "Is it gonna hurt?" I asked. "Not really,you'll feel like numb. I guess is how you describe it. Or I could catch you." Louis said. "Here I come." I said then I jumped out of the tree. I landed in someone's arms. "Told you I'd catch you." Louis said smiling before he put me down. The other guys were around me. "And you guys said I was a messy eater." I said. "Well we go wild we're clean killers. Just a little on our teeth." Zayn said. I licked my lips. "Ugh messy again." I said. I smirked and ran home. "She tired let her sleep." I hear Harry say before I climb into bed.

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