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      I woke hungry but I couldn't moved my arms. I sat up a little more and saw the guys standing at the end of my bed. "Are you calm yet?"'Niall asked. "I'm hungry." I said feeling my fangs lengthen. "For what?" Liam asked. "What the fuck do you think?" I yelled. "That's not calm." Louis said. "For blood." I answered. "What kind?" Zayn asked. "What kind of question is that?" I yelled. "Which smells better?" Harry said pulling out two blood bags. I smelt the air and was drawn to the one on the right. "The one on the right." I asked more then said. "Wrong answer." Niall said sadly. "What? What do you mean? Guys please I'm starving!" I said,with a whiney tone. "That's not animal blood." Liam said. I gulped and pulled at the restraints on my wrists. The door opened and my head snapped in that direction. "Guys?" A voice asked. "What wolfie?" Louis asked smiling. "Don't call her that please." I said. I pulled on my restraints one more time before I felt the one on my left wrists loosen and fall. "Me and Arabella are leaving." Scarlet said. Then she was gone. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and almost screamed. "Guys,she's hurting." Zayn said. I screamed and pulled at the restraint on my right wrist. "Her left wrist is free." Harry said. I growled and got dizzy instantly. "Guys." I mumbled then everything went dark again.

              I woke up the second time in pain and felt my wrists tied up again. I weakly sat up against the bedframe. "Let's try again." Niall said sadly. "Which one?" He asked. "Th-the left one." I stuttered out. He smiled and started undoing my wrists. I whimpered and leaned against the bedframe. He handed me the blood bag and I drank it quickly. He picked me up and I caught a glance of myself in the mirror. My eyes were red with a yellow stripe in the top left hand side. I leaned my head against him and whimpered again. Soon I was downstairs, full with about seven blood bags on the floor beside me. "How long was I asleep?" I asked. "What do you mean, you were awake last night." Zayn said. "The last time I remember waking up was when Arabella and Scarlet were here." I said. The guys looked at each other nervously before looking back at me. "What?" I asked. "You've woke up for the past five nights you've been out." Liam said. "But I only remember now,and the first time." I asked a little more then said. "I have a bad feeling." Niall muttered. "Same here." Liam said agreeing. I looked at them a little nervous. "Don't be nervous love." Harry said. "I can't help when your talking about bad feelings and stuff in front of me." I mumbled. Harry sat down beside me and pulled me over to lean on him. I cuddled up to him and pulled my feet up on the couch. "I'll call her mates." Louis said pulling out his phone. "Who?" I asked. "Her names Lou,and we need her right now to help us." Harry said rubbing my back. I nod and sigh a little. "Are you jealous?" Harry asked, whispering in my ear. "No,not really." I said. "Ok,cause she's like a mom to us all,just thought I'd tell you." Harry added. I nodded and smiled. I leaned on Harry again and started feeling weak. "You Ok babe?" Niall asked. "I don't know." I mumbled. "Guys she'll be here tomorrow morning. Konner,you alright love?" Louis asked. "She feels,weak and scared." Harry said looking up at the guys. My eyes were half open and my head was tilted on Harry's shoulder. "Weak and scared." Liam mumbled. "Why are you scared?" Zayn asked. "I don't really know what's going on with me right now. I'm nervous." I said. "Don't be nervous. We will never let anything happen to you." Niall said. I nodded and started drifting off to sleep.

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