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          I climbed out of bed and got dressed,being stared at the whole time. "Staring problems every single one of you." I said. I pulled a shirt over my head then my shorts up. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Five hickeys,my lips were extremely pink,and my hair was a tangled mess. I brushed my hair and pulled it into a ponytail. I walked out and saw the guys were just as wrecked as I was. I giggled and shook my head. "What're you laughin at?" Zayn asked. "Love bites and messed up hair everywhere." I said smirking. They smiled at me. "Oh you loved it,and my the way go back in the bathroom and check your thighs for love bites." Harry said smirking. I walked back in and checked for more hickeys. There were five love bites way high up on my thighs. I walked back out blushing. The guys laughed. I shook my head and giggled a little. "You notice your wrist yet?" Harry asked. I raised up my wrist and saw five initials carved into it. "Cool." I mumbled. "Yeah now we get to do one on one. So they change color from black to an actual color. " Louis said. "Who goes first?" I asked. "Whoever's name is in the middle." Niall said. I looked down st my wrist, L.J.P,Liam. I looked over at Liam and smirked a little. "Who's first?" Liam asked. "You." I said simply. Liam smiled and the guys smirked at me. "Why are you all smiling?" I asked. "Well,Liam's one crazy fucker. He makes you call him Daddy. Thanks to his last one night stand I know that." Zayn said looking over at Liam who smirked at me. "He pleasures with slight pain sometimes too." Zayn added. I looked over at Liam and saw him staring at me biting his lip. I shook my head and headed to the door. "Where are you going?" Harry asked. "I'm hungry." I said with a shrug. "Well let's go hunt." Louis said. We ran outside and ate.
A/N Extreme smut scene below don't read if your uncomfortable with this kind of stuff and if you do read it I wrote it listening to Candy Shop.

      We got back around eight and I walked around the house for a little until I pushed against a wall. "Well I sent the guys out." Liam said. I smirked. "Oh really?" I asked. He nodded and pinned me against the wall and kissed me. We were moaning and I drug my nails down his back as he picked me up. He took me to the kitchen and sat me on the counter. He pulled my shirt over my head and left kisses from my jaw all the way to my boobs. He hooked a finger under the back of my bra and undid it with one finger. I pulled it off and he slowly left small wet kisses down my chest and to my stomach. I moaned as his hand landed over my boob. "You like that don't you my dirty little girl." Liam hissed in my ear. I nodded. "You gonna be good for Daddy?" he asked me while he roughly left kisses all down my torso. "Yes." I breathed out. "Good." He said. I pulled his shirt over his head and leaned over and kissed his neck. I ran my fingers through his shirt hair and he moaned. He lifted me off the counter and carried my to my room. He laid me on the bed and pulled off my shorts. He smirked and hooked his fingers in my panties and pulled them down. I sat up and unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. He stepped out of them and dropped his boxers. I bit my lip and he climbed on top of me.

              I was in the hall laid down with Liam's shirt pulled over me and my panties on. I stretched and sat up. I was by myself in my room I walked downstairs and saw the guys sitting on the couch. I walked downstairs and noticed something. Their eyes are all different colors. I walked in and they turned their heads at the same time. Then they were back to normal. "Hey Konner." Niall said,his voice sounding strained. I walked towards them and their eyes widened. "Stop." Five voices said. "We'll be fine." Harry said standing but falling back to the couch instantly. I opened my mouth to talk but no noise would come out. "Why don't you say bye to us just in case they don't get here in time." Zayn said his eyes half open. I stepped forward a few times and they smiled weakly at me. They were hurt. "Goodbye,true love." Five voices said before their heads all dropped to the side.

       I sat up and screamed,"No!" It was a nightmare. Liam was sitting up and looked at me nervously. "I had a nightmare." I said before breaking down crying. I was in Liam's shirt and the guys ran in."Nightmare." Liam said nervously. "What was it about?" Zayn asked. "Please don't make me repeat it." I said trough tears. "You have to." Harry said sweetly. "I woke up in the hall way and walked to the living room and saw you guys,I walked closer and you all turned to look at me. Then Zayn told me to come say bye to you all but I could talk so I just walked over and you guys were hurt bad. Then you all said Goodbye true love and,and." I said before breaking down again. "Did we die?" Louis asked. I nodded. "Oh shit." Niall mumbled. "We gotta get out of here,now!" Liam said. They all ran off and started packing leaving me in the room by myself. I heard a noise outside my window and jumped up. I ran to the hallway and saw Niall holding a bag at the end. I walked towards him and laid my hand on his shoulder causing him to jump. "Let's go." He said. The guys and me all piled into a car and drove to an airport. "Guys,I'm in nothing but a shirt and panties I shouldn't be in public like this." I said quietly. They laughed and smiled at me. I noticed that the all looked different. We climbed out of the car and headed towards a private plane. "Come on Love." Liam said before picking me up and carrying me the rest of the way. I was put down in a chair and Liam told me to go to sleep. I listened I was extremely tired.

My Secret Lovers (AU One Direction vamps)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें