Chapter 20

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I paused the movie I was watching and placed the half empty ice cream container down atop of the coffee table as the sound of the doorbell ringing sounded throughout the living room

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I paused the movie I was watching and placed the half empty ice cream container down atop of the coffee table as the sound of the doorbell ringing sounded throughout the living room.

I pushed the blanket covering the lower half of my body to the side and stood up from the couch as someone pressed the door bell once again.

"Coming!" I shouted as I hastily brushed the tears that had fallen from my eyes away from my cheeks.

I shuffled over to the door and combed my fingers through my messy hair to make myself look a bit more presentable. I swung the door open and smiled weakly when I saw Zach standing on the other side.

"Hi" I choked out, trying to swallow the lump that was forming in my throat.

Zach immediately closed the distance between us in two short strides and engulfed me in a comforting hug. My hand fell down from the door knob and I wound my arms around his waist as I nuzzled my face into his chest.

"How are you holding up?" He asked a while later as he pulled away and held me at an arms length. He frowned as he took in my appearance, my puffy eyes, runny nose and tussled hair.

The worry lines coating his forehead deepened when he looked past me and saw all the empty ice cream containers and tissues littering the coffee table.

"I've been better" I said with a faint smile. "Would you like to come in? We can order pizza and cry to the Notebook" I suggested as I stepped aside to let him in.

"I was actually wondering if you could help me with this thing" Zach began as his gaze shifted from the coffee table in the background and settled upon my miserable form.

I stared up at him in confusion with furrowed brows.

"I have to pick this thing up, and I hoped that you'd maybe want to keep me company" He continued when he saw my sceptical expression and flashed me a small smile.

I flashed him a half hearted smile as I gave a quick nod of my head. "Sure, I could use a distraction. Let me just change first" I said before I turned around and walked in to change out of my pjs.

❁ ❁ ❁

"Zach, are you sure this is the right way? I mean, what are you even supposed to pick up this far out of town?" I asked as my gaze shifted from looking out the window and all the trees we were passing by, and to my best friend. I turned the volume on the radio down so that it was just a low humming sound in the background and stared at the brunette expectantly.

"Well you see, my sister asked me if I could pick her sweater up for her. She left it at a friends house" Zach hurried to explain all the while keeping his eyes glued to the road.

I studied him carefully and saw sweat pearls beginning to form on his forehead.

"You don't have a sister. Zach, where are we actually going?" I asked as I folded my arms over my chest and leaned back in my seat.

Zach ignored my question and instead stopped the car. I turned to look out the car window and arched my brows in shock when I saw the clear blue water of the lake glistening in the sunlight.

"What are we doing here?!" I exclaimed as I whipped around to look at him.

"I'm sorry, for lying to you, but I knew you wouldn't agree to meet up with him otherwise"

"Meet up with who? Zach, what's going on?" I questioned as I wound my arms around my torso, as if that would protect me from what I feared would come.

"Please just listen to what he has to say, I think it'll be good for you to at least hear him out" Zach rambled on as he looked past my shoulder and out the window.

I turned around in my seat to see what he was looking at and stared at the figure walking up the hill towards the car.

The wind took a hold of his hair and blew it into his eyes as he trudged on, a bouquet of blood red roses dangling from his grasp.


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