Chapter 18

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[Connor's POV]

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[Connor's POV]

I watched from a distance, hidden behind a wall as I saw Brad walking away from the scene unfolding, his head hung low and his posture slumped.

My eyes quickly found themselves resting upon your figure as your trembling voice reached my ears.

"I-I hate him, but I just can't s-stop loving him. It hurts, Zach. It hurts knowing that it was all just a game to him, that I was just some dumb girl and the time we spent together meant nothing to him, that none of it did. I really want to hate him, Zach, but I just can't because I still love him" you cried out as Zach patted your back in a comforting manner.

"I felt complete when I was with him. I don't think I've ever smiled as much as I did when he was right there by my side... I don't want to feel like this anymore. I don't want to love him. Everything would just be so much simpler if I never loved him, so please make me forget, please Zach! I can't take it, I can't take loving him if it was all just a game to him" You sniffled loudly as you kept your face hidden in Zach's chest.

The empty hallway was soon filled with your painful sobs and I lowered my head in shame and embarrassment. It might have been Tris who came up with the idea of the bet in the first place, but I was just as guilty. I could've stopped it, James could've stopped it too. But neither of us did.

If you only knew how much Brad actually cared for you, and truly loved you....

My eyes widened when an idea popped into my head and a smile spread across my lips. I took my phone out from my back pocket and began to type out a text as I ran away down the hallway and out to the parking lot.

This chapter is so short, and I honestly hate myself for it. But, oh well
But like that GIF of Connor gives me life😍
On a completely different note, I cancelled my date with the guy who asked me out again and because I felt so bad I gave him my phone number and now he won't stop calling me. Yay...

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