Chapter 2

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I sat my tray down at an empty lunch table the following day and sunk down on the hard uncomfortable plastic chair

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I sat my tray down at an empty lunch table the following day and sunk down on the hard uncomfortable plastic chair. Zach had an extra class in math so I was forced to eat alone like every Wednesday.

I took the book I was currently reading up from my backpack and opened it where I had left the bookmark. I bit down into the apple I had in hand and soon drifted off and became completely lost within the world taking place between the pages. My eyes widened as one of the main characters walked right into a trap without knowing.

My eyes flew over the pages and I was just nearing the confrontation between the main character and the villain when I could suddenly sense the feeling that someone was watching me. I looked up from my book and sighed when I saw who it was. Brad smiled as he ran a hand through his windswept hair.

"What do you want?" I asked as I eyed him with suspicion.

"I've actually read that book" the brunette said, ignoring my question as he nodded towards the book in my hand.

"Wow, really?" I asked with faked enthusiasm. "Care to hear a secret?" I asked lowering my voice as I leaned over the table to get closer to him.

Brad smiled as he rested his elbows on the table and leaned towards me.

"I don't care" My facade fell as I uttered the words and I shot him an annoyed glare as I pulled back and threw my book into my backpack.

I threw my backpack over my right shoulder and took my tray as I stood up from my seat. "Why don't you just leave me alone and I'll see you never" I shot him a fake smile that he could easily see through before I turned on my heel and walked away.

Once I had passed through the cafeteria doors I stopped and leaned my back against the wall. I dropped my backpack down to the floor and ran a hand through my hair as I tried to process what had just happened.

Brad had come up and actually talked to me seemingly out of nowhere. Why? I had never spoken to him before so why would he strike up a conversation with me when he knew how much I despised him after everything he had put Zach through.

I shook my head slowly as I bit down on my lower lip, deep in thought. What's with this sudden change? I couldn't make any sense of it whatsoever. I cast a glance towards the cafeteria doors when they swung open and two teenage girls stepped out. Before the doors closed behind them I could see into the cafeteria and saw the curly haired male sitting with his friends by a table. His gaze shifted towards the doors and his brown eyes locked with mine just as the doors closed.

❁ ❁ ❁

"I'll see you tomorrow then" I said to Zach as we reached his house.

"See you tomorrow" Zach gave me a quick hug before he turned his back to me and walked up the narrow path leading to his front door.

I turned around and was just about to cross the street to get to my own house when I heard someone call my name.

I turned around and my eyes widened in surprise when I saw Brad come running towards me up the street. He stopped when he reached me, a wide smile gracing his lips.

"I'm glad I caught up to you" he breathed out as he gripped onto his sides trying to catch his breath.

"And why's that? To tell me you've seen "The Hunger Games" as well, because I honestly don't care" I sighed and rolled my eyes before I turned my back to him and crossed the street to get to the other side, and hopefully get away from him.

"Ha, funny. But no, that's not the reason I wanted to see you" Brad continued on as he jogged up to my side.

I looked over at him with narrowing eyes. "Then what could you possibly want Brad because I really don't want to talk to you. So if you want to insult me or something be quick with it"

"What? No, I was just going to ask if you wanted to go with me to this party one of my friends are having on Friday"

I stopped dead in my tracks when his words reached my ears. I spun around to face him in shock. The brunette flashed me an unsure smile as his gaze travelled over my stunned facial expression. My eyebrows arched even higher when I realized he was in fact serious. He actually wanted me to go with him to a party.

"N-no" I stammered out as soon as I came back to my sense and quickly took a step back to further the distance between us. "You've been nothing but a dick to my best friend for as long as I can remember, I would never want to go out with you. You are a complete arse, Brad Simpson" I spat before I turned around and hurried up the road towards my house.

I threw a quick glance over my shoulder and saw Brad making his way back down the street with his hands buried in his jean pockets. I turned back to look at the road in front of me as I fixed the strap of my backpack.

What had just happened?

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