Chapter 4

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The pile of clothes on my bed grew for each passing second, and my irritation grew along with it

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The pile of clothes on my bed grew for each passing second, and my irritation grew along with it.

I held a black skirt in front of me and looked into the mirror. "Oh god no, why did I even buy this?!" I exclaimed in horror before I threw it on the pile of clothes on my bed.

I turned around to look into my now almost empty wardrobe again and placed my hands firmly on my hips. The only thing left was a short mint green summer dress that was tucked away in a corner.

I sighed and took the clothing hanger in my hand. I held the dress in front of me as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. "Oh well" I mumbled under my breath as I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't hate it so it would have to make do.

❁ ❁ ❁

I looked at the finished result in the mirror and turned to my sides. The dress followed my every movement and it matched my E/C eyes perfectly. A small smile uplifted my lips and I nodded, surprised of how good the finished look had actually turned out.

I glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand and bit down on my bottom lip, it was really a habit I had to stop doing.

The sudden sound of a car honking made me jump and I looked out through my bedroom window. I quickly turned around and ran down the stairs, and up to the front door. I stopped in front of it just as the doorbell rang. I took a deep breath before I pressed the handle down and swung the door open.

Brad's eyes widened as he set eyes on me and I immediately frowned as I read his facial expression as something negative.

"Is it too much?" I asked hesitantly as I glanced down at the dress.

"N-no, you look beautiful" he exclaimed as his eyes took in the way the dress hugged my curves.

"Oh, thank you" I said, taken aback by his compliment that I was certainly not expecting.

My eyes locked with his brown ones and a funny feeling erupted in my stomach when I gazed into those brown eyes that perhaps weren't as dull and boring as I had first thought.

❁ ❁ ❁

I rested my hands in my lap as I gazed out at the dark road before us. I could feel small sweat pearls form on my forehead and I tore my gaze away from the road ahead of us to look at him.

"Are you sure I'm not too overdressed?" I broke the silence that had filled the car since we had left my house about 10 minutes prior as I looked at his profile.

"You're not" Brad said as a small smile crept along his lips.

"I guess I'll have to take your word for it then" I mumbled, and with that I ended the conversation as I turned my gaze towards the road again.

We drove down the empty road for another 15 minutes, and my nerves were building up by each passing minute. I had never been to a party before. I thought they were only for the cool and popular kids, and not for kids like me.

And because of that I had no idea of what to expect. Would it be like in all of the movies I had seen, or like in all of the books I had read?

Thoughts like these invaded my mind until we after what seemed like forever pulled up next to a huge white villa. Cars surrounded the side walk on both sides and groups of laughing teenagers walked up the lawn leading up to the villa. The upbeat music coming from inside found its way into the car and filled my eardrums with its beat.

Brad turned the engine off and grabbed onto the steering wheel with his right hand as he leaned over to look at me, a small smirk pulling his lips upwards. "You ready?" He asked.

"Not really, but I don't really have a choice do I? I have to fulfill my part of the deal" I mumbled lowly under my breath hoping Brad didn't hear as I stared up at the villa and the teenage boys and girls scattered across the lawn.

"Pardon?" Brad said

"Nothing, I'm ready" I said before I opened the door to the passenger said and stepped out.

Brad quickly came up to my side and I glanced up at the house again. I could see people dancing or walking around behind the massive windows covering the front of the house, and the music seemed ever louder than before as I could hear it blasting from the speaker system. My gaze shifted to look at the brunette standing by my side and he looked at me with a large smile painting his lips and his brown eyes glowing in the starry night.

What had I gotten myself into?

I didn't really like this chapter to be honest :/

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