Chapter 1

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"No, it can't be true" I stated as I shook my head

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"No, it can't be true" I stated as I shook my head.

"You've got to believe me when I say it, [Y/N], it is true. I can swear to all the gods people pray to if that would make you believe it" Zach stated as he turned around, walking backwards as he looked at me.

"We don't have to go that far, okay. I believe you" I held my hands out in front of me as a sign of surrender all the while I kept shaking my head with a smile plastered across my face.

My smile disappeared rather quickly however when Zach bumped into someone and the person quickly responded by pushing him harshly so that he stumbled towards me. Zach tumbled onto the dirty floor and dropped all of his textbooks as his hands slammed down onto the hard surface.

"Watch it faggot!" The person spat as he kicked one of the textbooks laying on the floor and sent it flying until it landed by my feet.

I looked up at the tall blonde and shot him the dirtiest look I could manage as I bent down to my knees to help Zach collect the books laying scattered across the floor.

Tris looked down at us as a nasty grin quirked his lips into an upwards motion. I looked away from him in disgust and saw James and Connor standing right by his side. I looked the other way and saw Brad standing leaning against a yellow painted locker a few feet farther down the hall. A frown coloured his striking features and his eyes looked somewhat remorseful as they locked with mine.

I quickly looked away from him and swallowed the lump beginning to form in my throat as I helped Zach up and pulled him with me away from them. I pushed past them and dragged Zach with me down the hall. My blood boiled with rage as Tris' laughter reached us, and I had to give it my all not to turn back around and punch him square in the jaw.

❁ ❁ ❁

"Are you alright?" I asked Zach as soon as we had taken our seats in chemistry.

"Yeah, I'm used to it by now" he mumbled quietly as he fiddled with his glasses that he held in his hands.

"But you shouldn't be! They shouldn't keep harassing you just because of who you are, Zach" I voiced my worries as I slammed my textbooks down at the table in frustration.

"[Y/N], it's fine. Really" Zach reassured me as he placed one of his hands on top of mine, hoping that the human contact would make me calm down.

I looked up from our hands and into his calming eyes as a sad smile appeared on my lips.

"I just hate seeing them treating you like that. You're my best friend, Zach. I will always defend you and want to kill the ones that hurt you"

Zach laughed and shook his head at my statement as he gave my hand a tight squeeze.

"I know you will, [Y/N], I know"

School starts in 10 days and I'm so not ready...

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