How To Care For A Sad Person (Logicality)

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A/n Lil' drabble to get the writer's block out.

This is based off of the adorable comic "How To Care For A Sad Person". Go check it out if you haven't seen it!

Logan had been in his room all day. He was sad, but refused to tell the others why.

Luckily, Patton knew just what to do, He had just read about this online...

How To Care For A Sad Person
Step One: Lay Blanket Out

Patton laid out Logan's favorite blanket on the living room floor. It was a soft, fluffy, plaid pattern blanket that was mostly blue with some white and black.

Patton smiled to himself, picturing how happy Logan will be.

Step Two: Pick Up Sad Person

Patton walked to Logan's room, seeing his sad boi curled up on his bed, teary eyed. The moral trait frowned, scooping up Logan. Ignoring his questions, Patton continued to step three.

Step Three: Lay Sad Person In Blanket

Patton gently laid the logical side on the blanket that was on the floor, his heart shattering at the quiet sniffles Logan let out.

Step Four: Roll Them Like A Sushi

Patton slowly rolled up Logan in the blanket, until he looked something like sushi. Logan closed his eyes, comfortable in the new position.

Step Five: Place Roll In Comfy Spot

Patton gathered all of his strength to pick Logan up and place him on the couch.

Step Six: Hug Roll Close

Patton hugged Logan tightly, nuzzling his neck. Logan squeaked, his toes curling, which, along with his feet, were the only things poking out from the other end of the blanket roll he was stuck in.

Patton smirked, deciding to abandon the rest of the steps, since he had found an even better way to cheer up his sad roll.

Step Seven (Patton's Version): Tickle Sad Roll

Patton quickly sad on Logan's ankles, making him even more defenseless than he originally was. He gently scratched at Logan's soles, earning adorable, squeaky laughter.

"Pahahahattohohon!" Logan squealed, trying to escape the blanket sushi roll, but it was hopeless. Logan was left at the mercy of his boyfriend.

"Aww, does this tickle? Tickle tickle!" Morality teased, scratching under Logan's toes. The teacher let out a cute, quiet snort, but Patton still heard it.

Patton is never gonna let Logan live that down.

Patton stopped, snuggling up to Logan's side.

End Result: Happy Lil' Sushi Roll

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