Weird (Tythan)

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"Wahahait! Nohoho!" Ethan Giggled as his playful lover tickled his sides, tightly holding his arms above his head.
"You're just so cute, Ethan," Tyler cooed, moving to his tummy, and getting a squeal from the helpless little blue boy in front of him.
"Tyhyhyhyler!!!" He forced out, desperately squirming against Tyler's strong grip.
"Stay still, cutie," Tyler said.
"Stahahap nohohoho!!!" Ethan laughed hysterically as Tyler ran a feather down his side.
"You know what I love about you? You have such weird tickle spots," Tyler said, "like here," Tyler ran the feather behind Ethan's ear, getting him to squeal, kicking his legs and squirming like mad.
"Stay still, cutie, I'm not done yet," He said, pulling the blue boy onto his lap, holding him tightly so his back was against his chest.
"NOHOHOHO!!!!!" Ethan shrieked with adorable, high-pitched laughter.
"And right here," Tyler said, nuzzling his face into Ethan's neck and blowing a raspberry.
"TYHYHYLER!!!!!!!" The blue boy screeched passed his hysterics.
"And we can't forget right here," The older drilled his thumbs into Ethan's hips, earning a screech from the squirming teen in his arms.

Once Tyler finally stopped the childish torture on his adorable little blue boy, Ethan fell asleep in his boyfriend's loving arms.

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