Secret (Prinxiety)

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A/n Hey hey my little gays! So I know this is a little different from my normal fics, but I've been on a Sanders Sides kick lately, so...


"Anxiety!?" Prince called out into the house, unable to find his friend. Despite the constant banter and "I don't like you"s thrown about on camera, the two were actually quite close, and Prince, well, had actually begun to develope, well, feelings, for the adorable ball of... heheh... anxiety.

"Virgil?!?!" He called out once again, receiving no answer. He went to Anxiety's room, which was just the basement, chosen by Virgil himself. The mind palaces, or whatever Thomas may call them, were just clever works of editing since none of the sides wanted their rooms to be shown in videos.

Virgil was curled up on his bed, whimpering, which was completely out of character for him.

"V-Virgil?" Prince asked, approaching the other.

"What are you doing in my room!?!?" Virgil yelled, turning around suddenly, which startled Roman.

Virgil had his black eye shadow streaked down his cheeks as tears, dyed black from the make up, led them down his pale skin. The small boy wiped the tears from his eyes with his hoodie sleeve and sobbed a bit.

"J-just go aw-Ay," He sobbed, his voice breaking in the middle of his sentence. Roman, absolutely heartbroken at the sight, sat down next to Virgil, wrapping an arm around him.

"Virgil, what's troubling you? You know you can talk to me," He said, letting Virgil cry into his shirt, not caring that the white material was being stained black to a point of no return.

The prince went on to gently rub his crush's back, in hopes to calm him down, but got a completely different reaction.

A flinch.

A flinch, and a squeak.

At first, Roman thought he had hurt the boy, but then caught on.

No way.

No. Fricking. Way.

"Virgil! Are you tickli-" "NO!!!" Virgil answered way too fast. Roman smiled mischevious.

"I think you're lying, I don't like when people lie to me, Virgil," Roman stated, like a disappointed mother, and Virgil looked down like the lying son of said disappointed mother.

"I-I'm not lying..." Virgil lied yet again.

"You know what liars get, don't you, Virgil?" Virgil gave no reply, besides a confused, and slightly frightened glance.

"They get punished!" Virgil made a break for the door, but Roman grabbed him, immediately digging his fingers into his ribs. Virgil held his breath, not wanting to give in, but he was unable to hold it for very long since Roman noticed what he was doing and blew a raspberry into his neck. The darker personality let out a snort, trying to curl up.

"Awww!" Roman cooed, letting go, and therefore letting Virgil fall onto the floor, curled up and giggling, "You're sooo cute! Just wait 'till I tell the others-" "No!" Virgil cut off the other personality.

"P-please don't tell anyone, Roman!" He pleaded, whimpering, as if he was going to cry again. Roman's eyes softened, and he knelt down beside him, gently taking Virgil's hand.

"Don't worry, I won't tell," He said quietly.

"Th-thank you," Virgil said, smiling, and Roman smiled back.

"Besides, I wouldn't wanna upset you, you adorable bundle of darkness!" Roman scooped up Virgil, tickling his sides.

"Nohoho! Nahahahat ahahagain!" Virgil laughed, squirming. He pushed half heartedly at Roman, but never actually wanted it to stop. It felt nice to laugh, god knows he hadn't done it in a while.

Roman awed at the dark side, holding his hands above his head, using his free hand to scribble and scratch at the now exposed belly.

"Aww! Cootchie cootchie cooooo!" Roman teased, watching in amazement as Virgil's pale face lit up with a bright red tint.

Prince'shands lowered a bit, now moving to scratch at his victim's hips.

"NAHAHAHAHA!!!! PRIHIHIHINCEY!!!!!!" Anxiety shrieked, bucking his hips and just trying to escape the torturous sensations.

"You're so cuuute!!!" Roman continued to tease, ignoring his crush's cries, well, more like shrieks, for mercy, knowing damn well that deep down, Virgil loved it. I mean, it wasn't every day he received this kind of playful attention. Though he knew Virgil would never admit it, he absolutely loved this, and hoped it would never end.

Prince then leaned down, pressing his lips to the smaller's tummy.

"Nononononono!!!" Virgil pleaded, squirming, but he and Roman both knew he was waiting eagerly for what was about to happen. Roman made him wait a few moments.

Then, he blew.

Virgil absolutely howled with laughter! He bucked and screamed and squirmed and thrashed and boy, did he ever LAUGH! It had gotten so loud that the other personalities, and Thomas, all ran down to the basement to see what was happening. Roman quickly got off of Virgil, who pulled him shirt down and attempted to straighten his hair.

"What's going on down here!?" Thomas asked, concerned by all the noise.

"U-uhm..." Virgil mumbled, lip quivering. He was scared. He knew the others would NEVER let him live this down.

"S-sorry for the noise, V-Virgil was tickling me!" Roman said, pointing to the other. Virgil just nodded.

"You're ticklish!? No way! Get over here, you!" Patton said, then went on to chase Roman through the whole house, soon enough, Logan and Thomas joined in too.


Virgil was getting his revenge on Roman, and he didn't even have to left a finger.

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