Won't Sleep (Jelix)

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It was another "busy" night. Felix was once again in his computer, working on videos at nearly midnight. Earlier, Jack went into the recording room to sit on Felix's lap while he worked, but he pushed him off with his usual "Not now Jacky baby, I'm busy right now" bullshit. The only time they've spent together in the past week is the few hours a night when he's sleeping, then he's off working before Jack even woke up. He was sick of it. Jack was gonna go spend time with his boyfriend whether Felix likes it or not.

"Feliiix!!!" Jack called out as he walked into the recording room, seeing him at his desk, editing. Go figure.
"What is it, Kitten?" Felix asked, not even looking at Jack.

He walked over and sat on Felix's lap, taking his headphones off.

"Fee, please go get some rest, I'm worried about you, babe," Jack said.
"Kitten, I'm fine, don't worry about me," he replied, running a hand through the Irishman's hair.
"No, don't give me that bullshit, Felix! You've been on your computer non stop for the past week, the only time we spend together is the few hours a night that you sleep!" Jack said, raising my voice.
"I... I..." The Swedish man mumbled, speechless.

Then, Jack saw it, the dark bags under his eyes. Anyone with half a brain could tell Felix was exhausted, he just won't admit it.

"Cmon," Jack said simply, grabbing his hand and dragging him to their shared bedroom.
"Wait, where are we going, Kitten?" He asked.
"You're gonna sleep, Felix," Jack told him.
"No, Jack, I'm-" Felix was cut off by his own loud squeal as Jack ran his fingers down his side.
"If you don't wanna sleep, then I'll just have to make you!" Jack announced, digging his fingers into Felix's belly.
"Jahahack, nohoho!" The Swedish boy giggled, trying to push his boyfriend's hands away, only for Jack to grab his hands and pin them above his head.
"Tickle tickle, Fee~," Jack teased.

Then Felix managed to push Jack off, taking off down the hall. Only moments later, there was a loud crash.

Jack ran to the living room to find his boyfriend lying on the ground on his stomach, which left his worse spot exposed. Before the Swedish boy could get up, Jack sat on his hips and began to scratch at Felix's shoulders, instantly sending the older into hysterics.

"FAHAHACK JAHAHAHACK STAHAHAP!!!!!!!!" Felix squealed, kicking and squirming wildly under his boyfriend, but too weak to actually push him off. After a couple more minutes, Jack let up.
"Fee, babe, you okay?" Jack asked, getting no response.

Jack looked at Felix, seeing something he hasn't seen him do in a long time.

Felix was finally asleep.

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