Twitter (Septiplier)

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"JACK!!!" Mark shouted from his room, and Jack flinched slightly.
"WHAT???" He shouted back.

Mark walked downstairs, looking beyond pissed.

"Were you on my Twitter again?" The red haired boy asked, and Jack covered his mouth to hide his smile.
"M-maybe," He mumbled.
"You little!" Mark pounced on him, pinning him down.

"Wh-what're you doing!?" Jack asked, panicked. He hates being held down, it scares him.
"I'm gonna teach you a lesson: Stay off my phone!" Mark said, digging his fingers into Jack's ribs, getting a squeal from the younger.
"Mahahark! Nohoho!" Jack giggled hysterically as he squirmed beneath his boyfriend.
"You can't escape the tickle monster, Jackaboy!" Mark stated, tracing shapes into the Irishman's tummy, which caused adorable, squeaky laughter to flow from his mouth.
"Your punishment for going on my phone is tickles! So laugh for the tickle monster!" Mark teased, watching as his adorable boyfriend's face turned a deep shade of red at the use of that deadly t-word.
"Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup!!!" Jack snorted, which only caused Mark to coo and tease him more, "Ihihihi'm sohohohorry!"
"Too late for apologies, Jack, you were on my phone, now you have to suffer the consequences!" With that, Mark pressed his lips to the sensitive skin of Jack's side, his scratchy stubble already causing giggles to pour from Jack's lips. After making Jack wait a few awful moments, finally...


"FAHAHACK NAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" Jack shrieked as the vibrations from the raspberry spread across his entire right side, and Jack tried desperately to push Mark's head away as he blew more raspberries all over his sides, ribs, and tummy, sending unbearable tickling sensations across Jack's entire body.

Once he heard Jack's laughter start to die down, Mark stopped, but kept Jack's hands pinned

"So, what did you learn today?" Mark asked.
"Thahat you're a dihick,"


"STAHAHAY OHOHOFF YOHOHOUR PHOHOHONE!!!!!!!!!" Jack shrieked as Mark blew another raspberry into his tummy.

Mark finally stopped, pulling the Irishman into his arms to cuddle. And as Jack said, he learned to stay off Mark's phone.

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