Relax (Schneep & Dr. Iplier)

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"Schneep, you've been working on bringing him to life all day, it's okay if you take a break, it can wait," Dr. Iplier said, putting a hand on his husband's shoulder.

Schneep and Iplier had always wanted a son, so Schneep was working on creating a Septic ego. So far, he had the body, and every organ and body part necessary for life. But he couldn't bring it to life. No matter how hard he tried, the small, purple haired ego lay lifelessly on the cold, metal table.

Schneep looked down at his lifeless creation, which was wearing only a black and white striped hoodie, and torn up jeans which exposed the milky white skin under. The doctor let out a sigh.

"I have to keep vorking, Doctor, you vant Robbie to live as much as I-" "Your health is more important than that of our currently lifeless son, Schneep," Dr. Iplier cut him off, and Schneep looked down.

Dr. Iplier sighed and gently lifted up Schneeplestein bridal style, which elicited a squeak from the German doctor.

"Doctor? Vhere are ve going? I have to vork!" Schneep weakly struggled,  too tired from lack of sleep to put up a real fight.

"Schneep, you're exhausted, and overworked, you need to relax," Iplier  dropped Schneep on their bed, and lying next to him with a strong arm around his thin frame before he could attempt escape.

Schneep struggled tiredly in Iplier's grip.

"Schneep, I suggest you stop," Iplier said, gently poking his sides, which earned in some cute, squeaking giggles, "Oh, I think I know how to get you to relax,"

Schneep let out a snort when Iplier's cold hand reached his ribs, and he squealed and squirmed.

"What's wrong, my love?~" Iplier teased.

"Yohohour hahand ihihihis cohohold!" Schneep giggled, trying his best to push him off.

"Oh, are they?" With that, Iplier shot his hands under Schneep's shirt, running and tracing his icy fingers along Schneep's warm belly, ribs, and sides, bending his fingers ever so slightly so it tickled the squealing, wiggling doctor.

"Dohohoc! Stahahahap!" Schneep laughed adorable as his husband's cool fingers traced in between each of his ribs.

"Now, if I remember correctly from the time you lost it during your last physical, you're very sensitive right-" Iplier rested his now warm hand under his shirt, on his right side, "-here, correct?"

Schneep froze, giggling a little.

"Dohoc, dohohon't," Schneep pleaded, giggling uncontrollably. The Doctor smiled at his helpless victim, using his free hand to pin Schneep's arms over his head. Schneeplestein looked up at him, anticipation killing him, and sending light, tingly feeling across his whole body, which only coaxed more giggles out of his mouth.

"Laugh for the tickle monster, baby," And he struck. Strong, accurate fingers dug into his right side, and the German squealed, snorted, squirmed, thrashed, and boy, did he ever LAUGH.

"You're so cute and ticklish, Schneep, I could stay and tickle your ticklish little side aaall day," Every time the doctor said that God awful word, Schneep felt like his sensitivity would double, causing him to shriek every time he heard it.

Eventually, the doctor let up, and as soon as he did, Schneep greedily sucked in as much air as his lungs could take, panting heavily.

The doctor pulled Schneep close to him, hugging him tightly. Schneeplestein snuggled into the doctor's chest, finally falling peacefully to sleep.

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