Can't Be Mad Forever (Septiplier)

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"Mark?" Jack asked, knocking on Mark's door again, getting no response. "Maaark, cmon, you can't be mad at me forever," Jack said. "Go away," Mark said, his voice broken, he was crying. Jack sighed and held his head. 'Why did I have to do that?' He thought.

Jack was home alone, Mark had gone out to the store. Jack was on Mark's laptop in the living room, looking through his search history. "What's wattpad?" He asked himself as he saw the website name. He clicked on it, seeing several stories with pictures of him and Mark kissing. Jack clicked on one of the stories, reading it and smiling. It was about Mark trying to hide the fact that he has a crush on Jack. The front door opened, but Jack didn't hear it, he just kept reading. Mark looked over Jack's shoulder and gasped, getting Jack's attention. "J-Jack! Wh- how did you find that!?" He shouted. "I-I was just looking through your computer and-" "Jack, how could you!?" Mark shouted, running upstairs and slamming his bedroom door shut.

Jack knocked again, calling Mark's name. When he didn't get a response once again, he walked to his own room and grabbed a key, walking back to Mark's bedroom and unlocking the door. He stepped inside the room, seeing Mark Curled up on his bed, crying. The sight broke Jack's heart. He sat next to Mark on the bed. "G-go away Jack," He mumbled. "Aw, Marky, I'm sorry, but you can't stay mad at me forever," Jack said, getting no response from the boy. "I think I know how to cheer you up," Jack said with a smirk, gently spidering his fingers up Mark's side, making him jump and giggle, looking up at Jack, who smiled, wrapping his arm around him to keep him still, using his free hand to attack Mark's tummy, making him squeal and squirm. "Jahahack!" Mark giggled, squirming. "Yes baby?" Jack asked, continuing to tickle him. "Stahahap!" He laughed, trying to push Jack away. "I could, but you seem so happy," He teased, tracing circles on Mark's ribs, making him laugh louder. Jack gently lifted Mark's shirt up a bit, slowly drawing circles around his belly button, watching Mark start to kick and squirm and break down into hysterics when he dipped his finger into his bare naval. "JAHAHACK NOHOHO!!!!!" He shrieked, laughing hysterically. Jack stopped, letting Mark breathe. "You have such a cute tickle laugh," Jack teased. "Well, how about I see how your laugh sounds!?" Mark shouted, tackling Jack and getting his revenge.

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