Mark's Turn (iii)

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A/n Something was telling me you guys reeeally wanted the threequel to Sad Little Jacky, so here it is!

Word Count: 583

"Oh Mark~," Felix called out playfully as he wandered the house in search of Mark. The red haired boy was Curled up in his closet, panting from running through the house, looking for a hiding space. "Where are you?~" He called out, his voice sounded extremely close to the closet. Suddenly, the closet door swung open, making Mark squeal in surprise as the Swedish man lifted him up bridal style. "Felix! N-no!" Mark pleaded with the Swedish man, squirming in his grip. Felix dropped him on his bed, making him squeak a bit. Mark expected Felix to pin him down, but he didn't. Instead, Felix took Mark's hoodie off of him, leaving him in a black tank top. "Wh-what're you doing Felix?" Mark asked, Nervously. "This," And with that, Felix used the hoodie to tie Mark's hands to the bed post above his head, making the half Korean Gasp and squirm. "F-Felix, no! I-I'm sorry!" He apologized, trying to free his hands from his own hoodie. "Sorry won't cut it this time, Mark," Felix said, sitting next to him on the bed. "Now, how about I start... here?" He asked, lightly tickling Mark's side, getting quiet Giggles from the other. "Aw, how cute," Said the Swedish man. "Fehehelix, stahahap," Mark giggled out, squirming a bit. "But we've only just started," Felix said, tracing circles on the half Korean's ribs, causing adorable laughter to pour from his mouth. "Nahahahaha! Stahahahahahp!!!" Mark said through his giggling. "But why should I? You and Jack didn't stop when I asked you to," Felix said, moving up to Mark's underarms. "FEHEHELIX NOHOHOHO!!!!!" He shrieked, trying desperately to get his arms down, but he couldn't undo the knot Felix tied with his own hoodie. "Ooooh, a little sensitive there, hm?" Felix teased, using his nails to attack his exposed underarms, which drove Mark insane. "PLEHEHEASE STAHAHAP!!!!!" Mark forced out. "Nah," Felix said simply. He soon became bored of torturing Mark's underarms and slowly dragged his nails down his sides, resulting in squeaky little giggles. Suddenly, the tickling stopped, giving Mark a moment to breathe. "You okay now?" Felix asked, and Mark nodded. "Good," He said, scratching and his tummy, making Mark squeal in surprise and squirm again. "NOHOHOHO!!!!!" He shouted through his hysterical laughter. Felix flicked his shirt up and ran his nails slowly along the bare skin, and Mark arched his back and tried desperately to get the Swedish man off of him. Felix, unhappy that Mark wouldn't keep still, crawled to the end of the bed and wrapped an arm around his ankles, and Mark paled. "F-Felix, no! Don't!" Mark pleaded, squirming. Felix just ignored him, running his finger down his sole which was covered by his pink and black striped socks. To say Mark laughed would be an understatement, the poor half Korean was shrieking with laughter as he kicked and squirmed desperately against Felix's grip, and Felix hadn't even done anything. The Swedish man started to scratch at his toes, and that was when Mark pulled as hard as he could against his hoodie which restrained him, getting his hands free and shoving Felix away, running out of the room and down the hall. Felix chuckled and lied down on the bed. Mark probably hated him, but at least he got the message: Never, EVER tickle Felix.

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