Master Tactician: The Plan Backfires [Percy]

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 What...have I just done?

I kept tracing my lips and felt very confused on what I just did. Why on earth would I do that?

I kissed her…the girl who made this immense pain in my chest three years ago. The very reason why I wanted to forget and start anew, without the burden of thought. 

Yet I yearn to be with her, because she was and may still be what my heart beats for. It's hard to say who a person who will love, that even the goddess of love could only go so much as propagate the seed of a relationship.

Perhaps this is why Lady Athena told me how love is but only ideal. You want to forever happy with one person and live a normal happy life with your family in a nice house in New Rome. You looked forward to so much to even dreaming of her saying the dream 'I do'.

How I longed that I could make those dreams into reality.

What I do know is that in reality: I'm hurting and want the pain to go away. It hurt to be apart from her and it hurt to be reminded of what could have been us. It's as if our love story was a song on a playlist.

Hit Play, you hear this sweet melody that sticks to you and never want to stop. Decide to pause it and you'll end up missing to hear that smooth voice over a period of time. Then there's stop and skip where you move on and listen to another song which is a hard choice. Do you really want to listen to that song and make it as your favorite or will it get easily replaced later on?

Reaching the edge of the park, I realized it was late and I still needed rest after the flight and the encounter tonight. I have to visit mom before i leave for the shoot too, luckily it's scheduled in the afternoon instead of early in the morning. A rarity from what Jerome usually concocts.

As I brush my hands together one last time, I dial in the driver who immediately answered with a concerned tone.  The temperature dropped several centigrade while I wasn't looking that it actually made me feel my numbing fingers. I clutched the phone in my hands and told him to hurry since it was freezing here. Baring the fact that I could barely swipe my phone, I wanted to get out of here as soon as I could.

There wasn't that many people left in the park since a fair amount of snow began to fall and it was beginning to pile up on my feet and my shoulders. Pretty as it is, this could turn nasty really quick. My coat, scarf and bonnet combo might not be able to keep me warm for too long.

I would love to see a Ford Ranger plow through this snow and get me out of here and near a warm fire. For now, I could only pray to the gods that I'm kept well or up to a runny nose at the least.


Maybe this wasn't the best idea I've had, and it definitely showed now. It did back fire and look at the result, Percy Jackson alone and freezing with only his body temperature to keep him warm at the very least.

A very sad hole I got myself into huh?

I was this this brown and sea green ball rolled up in the corner, holding my hands around my neck to hopefully null some of the cold in vain.

Where is that Driver? Maybe I should just call a cab, I don't want to freeze up and die out of hypothermia. I've already met my Uncle and his domain and would rather not go there again at my age. Charon himself is proof enough that the Underworld is no place for the living.

Thinking again, what cab would continue through this storm?

As I pulled out my phone, I could feel my fingers literally unable to move. That's just what I needed at this moment. So I'm stuck trying to warm myself under a park roof, great time right?

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