Chapter 52

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Austin's p.o.v.

"That's all" I said "that's all she wrote. And it's all my fault" I put down the diary that Megan wrote 2 years ago before she died. She wrote in it up to the minute she passed away.

"It's not your fault. You didn't know she was going to fall and slip" Morgan said. Tears staining her eyes.

"But if I hadent wanted her to come to the balloon arch she would be sitting right here next to us." I couldn't help but cry.

"Austin it's not your fault that she's not here!" Morgan yelled

"It's all Simons fault! okay! he spilt the soda!" she continued

"But why did she have to die! Morgan I loved her. I still love her" I cried

"I do too Austin. I do too" Morgan hugged me and I could take it. She's way to much like Megan. I can't handle this

Megan was suppose to go to the balloon arch and I was gunna tell her I wanna be with her forever. But now she's gone. Forever.

I miss her I always will. All my stupid mistakes and I never got to tell her everything. The notes. I should have told her. If I would have told her that Simon wrote the notes maybe I could have saved her. But no I kept it to myself and then she hit her head and fractured her skull and died. So I could have prevented it. I should have died not her. She didn't deserve this. I can't believe I was so stupid. I though I was protecting her by not telling her about the notes. But I guess I was wrong and I was setting her up for death.

I cant live without her


I love her.

(A/n this whole book was Austin reading Megan's diary in case it didn't make sense)

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