Chapter 38

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My school day was boring.


Spencer and I talked and then mrs Horan yelled at me to go back to my seat between Ben and Paul. I hate that seat so much though.

Those two people are just annoying. So why so I have to sit next to them "to ma let me get yo numba" Paul yelled joking with Ben. Yep super annoying. I dot know what Morgan sees in Paul. I mean he isn't that cute. He is kinda annoying. He isn't the brightest person ever. And I'm pretty sure he is just using her.

A Period: Language Arts-

When I got to language arts I saw that we had to answer a critical thinking question.

"What is the meaning, in your opinion, of the word family?"

This was going go be easy at least I thought it was. but it turns out I was wrong. I began to write down what I wanted to say.

'Family means more than just family it's your mom dad grandma grandpa siblings and so many more.'

I felt like I was missing something from the answer. then it finally came to me.

' Family is more than your mom dad brother or sister. Family is those who love you. The people you surround yourself with because of the love they give to you and the love you give back. so sure your mom dad brother and/or sister are your family so is your best friend your boyfriend or the other people whom which you surround yourself with to make you confident. And the people you love."

I though I had a pretty good answer. I guess we have to wait for mr. bandana to grade it.

B Period: world culture-

This is my least favorite class. We don't learn anything important in this class. It annoys me. I wonder if I will even really use this in life because I'm pretty sure I'm not going to.

Oh my I'm turning into Evan by asking when are we gunna use this in life. Oh well might as well ask.

"When will we use this in life?" I asked. "When you visit a foreign country"

"Well maybe I don't want to do anywhere or anything''

I don't like the idea of our class getting bigger.

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