Chapter 46

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Sorry I didn't update in forever yell at my teachers not me


"Hey austin?" I said once we got to his house. "Yes love?" he turned around from the sandwich he was making and looked down at me. honesty I didn't mind being much shorter than him. It never really made much of a difference.

"Those notes are getting worse and I'm getting scared" he hugged me and said "it will be okay I promise we are gunna get to the bottom of this note crap."

Whoever was writing these notes needed to get a life. It's sad when all you can do is write notes and try and ruin my relationship.

Then my phone went off. expecting another note, I picked it up. But instead it was a call from Kortney. I answered it.


"Seriously, stay away from Austin. he's no good. He's bad for you."

Then she hung up. so Kortney wrote the notes. "Kortney wrote the notes." I yelled.

"How do you know?" Austin asked still looking at his sandwich. "She pretty much jut told me." I said and walked up to Austin's room with worrying about finding another note because Kortney was and is harmless.

What did she mean by he's bad for me and he's no good? I was kinda confused maybe I should call her back. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.



"What did you mean by 'hes bad for me and he's no good'"

"Just be careful he's broken plenty of hearts. led on many of girls. I just don't trust him."

"Okay thanks Kortney" I said quickly and we hung up.

I was sure Kortney wrote the notes but honestly I'm starting to rethink it because she didn't make me think about those notes when I called her back.

I think she was trying to help me. but who knows maybe I should just ask her. that's not weird just walk over to someone and say 'hey did you write a note about killing my boyfriend? yes, no, well I like your scarf' whatever ill figure it out eventually. I just hope it's not too late by the time I do.

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