Chapter 44

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She was so mad at me but I didn't do anything to her. as she turned the corner my phone started to buzz.

'Feel free to replace your twin but you won't be able to replace Austin once he's gone.'

Feel free to replace your twin ... I repeated to myself. wait noone knew that Morgan and I were fighting. not even Austin and I usually tell him everything. I think I'm just to afraid that anything I tell him could come back to hurt us.





My suspects. Let me explain why these are my suspects though.

Ben is just rude to me now. And I feel like that walk we took one day was just to try and get info. Because he asked me a few times how me and Austin were. I pushed out the question not thinking anything until now.

Kortney has always hated me for some reason. Every day in 2nd grade she would walk up to Austin and poke his face and then he would walk by me ad stick out her tongue. Maybe it was obvious that I kinda liked him back then. I know for a fact Kortney has always liked Austin. Ever since she could walk. And she's always been jealous of me and his relationship. Whether it be as friends or more than friends. but you know haters gunna hate so oh well. But that's why I think kortney could be a major suspect.

Morgan. I don't have much reason for this except that she's never around when I get a note and she's beyond jealous of Austin. That's all.

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