Chapter 31

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I called Morgan after we went out to eat. she answered sounding suprised.

"What Megan. " She said. "Can I come talk to you?" I said. "Sure" she replied hanging up.

Well she's still mad.

I went to my house to talk to Morgan.

"Morgan I'm sorry that I left and didn't talk to you. And I'm sorry if you feel like Austin is stealing your spot in my life.'' I started then I looked up to see Morgan sitting on the couch.

But she wasent listening to what I was saying she was talking to him. Of all people he had to be sitting on the couch. MY COUCH WITH MY SISTER!!! no that isn't right.

"BEN!?" I said without thinking. "Hi beautiful. " He said. I just turned and went upstairs to my room.

"Hello!" Leila yelled. "God dont scare me. Your lucky I didn't flip when you were checking austin out.''

"Oh yeah sorry about that. but I have a question. if Austin dies and becomes a ghost can I date him?"

Did she really just ask that. Wait WHAT!?!?.

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