Chapter 39

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C Period-reading

Time for my least favorite class of the day. this class was BORING. And to make it worse we had to do some play thing.

We had to learn our lines and be prepared to perform our play as soon as possible. I ended up being married to mystique in the play. Although we all call her misty.

Reading class is boring just like always and nothing good ever happens. But then Paul handed me a note with my name printed neatly on the top.

- Megan

You better watch out you better not cry you better watch out I'm telling you why. Austin is gunna die

Oh my god. I looked over at Paul handwriting and saw it was pretty messy so I kinda figured it wasent him writing the notes. But I guess I need to investigate more.

I looked past Paul and saw kortneys hand writing looks like this note. I guess we are adding her to the suspect list.







Why is it so difficult to figure out who is writing these letters. I don't like getting the letters at all. They start to scare me sometimes. I mean they all talk about Austin dying.

D Period:History-

History is crap. I don't care about the dead presidents or other dead guys. And mr diamond likes to repeat stories over and over. Today he told us stories about his past trips to New York City. He told us about one trip when a truck next to the bus ran over a teen boy.

He also told us about a large tractor trail or truck fell on a small car with two young girls in it. Sometimes I think he makes this stuff up.

I don't always beileve mr diamond because he's a little crazy...

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