I Should Tell

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I stared at Michael speechless I didn't know what to say.

"I bet this is hard for you but please I'm giving you some time to think about this cause I know you don't like being pressured so...I'll see you some day"he said and hugged me then walked off without looking back.

I sat there not knowing what to do.

The next day

I got out of bed and took a bath you know that usual morning stuff.

Then I got dressed and did my make up

I stayed in the house for most of the day cause I didn't feel like going out

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I stayed in the house for most of the day cause I didn't feel like going out. But I got a call for some photo shoots all week next week.

I read thought I should maybe give Michael another chance like for real he cheated and I read took it crazy cause Michael never ever cheated before ever and we been together for a long time.

But then I thought of Blake he was so kind and genuine for a guy I only knew for three days.

Maybe I should tell him what's going on with me and my ex


B:hi how r u
D:I'm good u
B:I'm aight
D:ok lol
B:so wassup
D: nothing much,just have atuff on my mind
B:like what
D:I'm scared to tell you
B:what is it
D:it's that your so kind but I only knew you for a few days
B:u don't like me anymore I mean as a friend
D:no no not that ur awesome
B:thanx ok
B:but what
D:ok...my ex wants me back
B:wow ok
D:c this is y I didn't want to tell u
D:cause ur mad now
B:no I'm not if u and ur ex still have feelings then that's what it is
D:u didn't like me??
B:I did but I don't wanna get btwn u and ur ex if y'all wanna get back together
D:I didn't say that
B:yeah I know but I know u want to😉
B:it's okay I finna be aight
D:lol sorry
B:no worries we can always be bf's...right??
B:k I'll talk 2 I later

Story From Her Heart(M.B.J)Where stories live. Discover now