Chapter 22: The Clown Prince

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You could never really tell who could become the villains at this point, or at least, who the villains really are. Jack was scarred for life, he knew what happened to him is irreversible, and inevitable. He felt as if, this was meant to happen, and that thought empowered him.

After finally gaining strength, he went on from the shore and onto a safe-house. An old abandoned factory off the west end of Gotham, and there he claimed it now as his own.

He sat on the rugged old workbench and laughed maniacally while all the remaining sane thoughts escaped his mind "HAHAHAHA!" you could hear the laugh loop and echo around the building, giving chills to anyone who processes the sound.

A week passed and Jack plans to visit someone very special to him. He's well aware of his appearance and therefore put on a trench-coat and fedora hat to be his disguise, though not fully covering his deformity.

He walks out onto the road and hails a cab, he sits inside as the driver asks "Where to?" Jack giggles as he replies "Here." he pulled out a silenced gun and shot the driver's head with no hesitation. Jack pushed the driver out of his seat and replaced him in it, wiping the splattered blood off the windshield.

He then drove all the way to the other side of the city, passing by many pedestrians who thought it was a regular working taxi. He ignored them all and sometimes he even teased them.

He would stop on the curb and wait for the passenger to get near and when they would reach for the door handle, Jack would step on the gas and accelerate away from the civilian.

He was a clown at this point, joking around with everybody he meets.

But only one person was on his mind for a very special and memorable meeting. After driving around the city for an hour, he parked by the family mansion.

He noticed there weren't many guards, but there were still some stationed around. He walked out of the car.

A guard approached and stopped him, "You got some business to do here bud?" Jack looks up with a devilish grin stuck up on his face. The two guards started to laugh, "What's a clown doing here? This isn't joke time." Jack then grabbed the guard by the neck and pulled him close "You wanna hear a joke? Your security detail. It's already funny as it is, HAHAHA!" laughing as he crushed the guard's neck and shot the other in the head.

The loud bang of the gun alarmed the other guards in the vicinity, also startling Sir James in the process. He looked at the security feeds and saw a dark figure in a trench-coat on a killing spree, shooting his thugs left and right.

Jack was laughing as blood spilled on the walls and floor, this reminded him of the murder of his own mother and servants many years ago, and now guards joined in the pool of blood and death on manor grounds.

Bullet casings hit the floor as well as bodies of many henchmen, Jack stopped and reloaded "Well this is no fun! Where's the strong guys?! Muscly, about this tall?" waving around his hands as if he was talking to someone.

He looked at the dead bodies and laughed at one "Oh there's one! HAHAHA!" After minutes of bloodshed and gunfire, he finally reached the hallway to his father's office.

It was the most guarded room in the vicinity, guards surrounded the entrance, guns pointed at Jack's head.

Jack laughed as he smiled once more, he pulled out a long but slim knife "Finally. let's have some fun!" He went down and crept, dodging the bullets as the thugs sprayed shot at him.

Jack was quick enough to anticipate the thugs' actions and bullet trajectories. He used it to his advantage, getting close to the guards and slitting their throats out.

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