Chapter 2: The Teen Gymnast

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Not all of Gotham City is bright lights and tall buildings, not every street is all clean and newly asphalted, and not all families are rich and powerful.

In every city there is a structure, a pyramid, and of course the 1% live on the top of that Pyramid. The families like the: Waynes, Sionises, Napiers, Elliots, and many more, rule and practically own Gotham, to be used at their own disposal.

At the bottom of that pyramid lies the hard working poverty of the great city. You can not state that it is the home of the corrupt criminal societies and thugs, not all homeless and poor are controlled by greed and lust.

One of these families were the Quinzels, not much was known about these people, but basic details, they lived among the unsafe and dirty streets of Gotham, but stuck together as a family through thick and thin.

They were a family of three, Harry Quinzel being the father, Katherine being the mother, and the jewel of their lives, Harleen F. Quinzel.

Harry worked as a railroad engineer at the Wayne Enterprises Transportation Section, making Thomas Wayne's ingenious railroad system across the city of Gotham in memory of the great Waynes.

Katherine works as a Production Manager at ACE Chemicals. Sometimes Harleen would be left alone at home but she was used to it, at a young age she knew how to fend for her self, she knew how to cook, make her own bed, clean the dishes and was used to sleeping alone.

But even so, she never liked being home alone, she would always miss her parents even if they would be only gone for a few hours.

Harleen always distracts herself with academics, she loved school, because there, she never felt alone. Harleen only had a few friends, but a few were enough to keep her busy.

She was a bright student, top of her class, especially in Science, she inherited the mind of her mother and the strength of her father.

But even she can't escape the violence of Gotham, someone as bright and fragile as her were often targeted by bullies and harassers, she was pushed around, stuck inside lockers, thrown into the trash bin, and forced to do the homework of others, she was afraid of telling this to her parents or teachers because it might make things worse for her when they aren't around.

It was her Junior year at Gotham Academy, Harleen would always be nervous about her first day no matter how many times she goes to school. It was something about the crowd or the fear of not seeing her friends hang out with her anymore, and this year, it was both.

First period arrived and she went inside the classroom, she was scoping out if any of her companions were there and they were, but with a different crowd, Harleen came in close to them "Heya guys! How was summer?" her friends didn't reply as if she wasn't there, they were enclosed in a circle like they're planning something else without her, Harleen then cleared her throat, "Ehem? Guys?" one of her friends.

Julius looked back at her, "Oh hey Harls, sorry didn't see you there, what's up?" Harleen pouted and replied "Oh nothing, just being ignored by the majority of society. Again."

Her other friends, Denise and Alice replied "Ugh can you stop with the emo nature Harleen?" "Yeah, it's not like you're the one we all need to care about" they looked away in disgust.

Insulted, Harleen grabbed her bag and went to the far side of the classroom away from her friends and sat there while waiting for their teacher. She didn't let this hinder her focus on her subject, after all, it is Science period and she loves paying attention to it anytime and anywhere.

Ms. Wits, their Science teacher came inside and greeted her students good morning, most were unwilling and disgusted to answer but Harleen replied with glee "Good Morning, Miss Wits!", soon after, everyone looked at the young girl with the look of irritation on their faces, as if she had committed a crime against all of them.

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