Chapter 4: The Little Accident

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Days after the death of Miss Hailee Napier, Gotham City was still in grief, many mourned the death of a great woman who inspired hundreds to fight corruption in the government.

But most thought that due to her rebellious nature, the powerful and corrupt hired someone to murder her, and it frightened most of the populace of Gotham. And they were as afraid as they were angry at the suspected murderer, her own son, Jack.

Gotham was divided by this case, some believed a 16 year old boy won't murder his own mother that he loved so dearly. But some also opposed to it, saying that he was hired and that's what rich boys care about the most, money.

Being held in the county made Jack feel free somehow, he was away from his abusive father, he was alone in his cell, and he could do anything he wanted.

Even though he felt liberated, he couldn't get over his mother's death. The only person to truly love him ever since he was a young child. It made him depressed, confused, and was furious at his father for not caring about him. He wanted revenge, building the intention to murder his own father, but he knew he couldn't do it.

Jack was born a good lad, he always obeyed his superiors, and sometimes even helps the house servants, he wouldn't do such a thing or else the people who believe he's a criminal will be deemed right.

Detective Gordon came to interrogate young Jack, "Morning kid. How are you holding up?" Jack didn't utter a word, simply looking down at the table and his cuffed up wrists.

Gordon made another attempt, "Is it okay if I ask some questions? It might help in solving your mother's case." again Jack was silent, stared at Gordon and looked down again. Gordon took the cuffs off Jack and spoke to him.

"I get what you're going through, you're sad and possibly angry at whoever really did this to your family, but we need your help.". Jack quickly got up and slammed on the table, "I didn't kill my mother, if I did, I wouldn't call the cops. You are all just corrupt! My mother was right about this city!" he grabbed the chair and threw it on the 2 way mirror where the other detectives were watching through, fortunately for them, the chair didn't break it.

Gordon was still calm however, he knew the pain of losing someone he loved.

He tried to make Jack relax, held his shoulder and hugged him tight. "it's gonna be alright son, if it isn't really you, we'll find the true perpetrator. I promise you." Jack was crying all over, he wanted to get off Gordon but he knew he needed someone to embrace, after all, the one that always held him is already gone.

After a while, they restarted, Jack was sitting on the chair again but without cuffs, Gordon started asking questions "Where were you between four and seven pm?" Jack answered "i was out, driving around town with my friend, Fredrick Sionis." Gordon asked again "Sionis? He's related to the Sionis Industries owner?"

Jack thought for a while "Yes, I guess he is.", Gordon took note of it, and asked again "How many bodies did you discover?", Jack replied "Two, my butler Harris and my mother."

Gordon looked at Jack, "Why were you holding a baseball bat?" Jack chuckled "Self defense, the house was quiet when I went inside, there were at least 10 people who work and live in the manor, no one answered my call."

The detective wrote it down again "Did you know your mother was killed by blunt force trauma? it crushed her skull so bad she bled, Did you also know she had bruises? The kind of bruise that can be made with a bat?"

The young suspect glared at Gordon, "You think it was my baseball bat that killed her? It was under my bed when I found my bat." Gordon showed Jack some photos "There were wood chippings found on your mother's head. It was the same type of wood your bat was made with."

Jack began to break down "This is ridiculous. You think because the baseball bat belonged to me I was the one that killed her?! I've had enough. I'm done." Gordon sighed, and agreed "Alright, i'm sorry." they brought Jack back to his cell and left him for the night, Gordon went back to his desk and thought about it all, a lot of cases are piling up on him.

He remembered a case years ago, the gunning down of Thomas and Martha Wayne, and how it wasn't just a normal robbery but a hired hit-man. He thought that this hit-man might have some connections with who killed Hailee Napier. But shortly after, he found out the one who killed the Waynes, Joe Chill, was murdered inside the prison.

The Napier case hit the news all over the country, reaching Midway City, Metropolis, Los Angeles, New York and many more.

It reached many families and made them fear for their own safety, one of these families were The Quinzels. "Such a tragic loss, I feel sorry for her husband" said Harry, Katherine butted in "Just her husband? She has a teenage child remember?", Harry looked at his wife "Didn't you hear? Their own son murdered her."

Katherine was disgusted by her husband's assumption "It's not proven yet, he's a suspect but that doesn't make him a criminal. From what I hear he was a sweet silent child." Harry replied, "It's always the quiet ones."

Harleen then opened the door coming home from school, dropped her bag and asked "Hey, what were you guys talking about?" Her parents thought a tragedy shouldn't distract anyone, even their own daughter, her mother replied hoping to distract Harleen "Oh nothing honey, come on time for dinner. how was school?" Harleen sat down and sighed "Tiring, too many things to do we had this trai-" then Harleen forgot, her parents don't know about her Gymnastics "-ning.... for leadership tomorrow and Friday."

Her father was all proud "Oh that's wonderful, I knew you'll be a candidate for leadership." Harleen chuckled nervously after she almost slipped her tongue.

She watched the TV often when they eat dinner, and she saw the murder case of Hailee Napier, she asked her parents "Who would do such a thing?" Her parents looked at each other and closed the television, "It's best if you only eat, honey." her dad said.

Harleen was confused, thinking why would they want her to ignore it, but agreed and just ate dinner. The following days Harleen had training and would go home late, each night her parents would get more and more suspicious, but trusted her enough to know she isn't lying.

One day she had a competition, she wanted to tell her parents for them to watch but was afraid of their reaction, she instead invited her friends, but only Julius came.

Harleen was nervous, she was shaking because of the fact that about a hundred people came to watch and if she fails, it might ruin her future with a good college.

She knew she wasn't ready, but a lot of students from her school were cheering her on. She trusted herself, a very rare thing for her.

She ran, towards the mat and on the ramp, she leaps into the air and grabs the bar, she swings around, more and more, she lets go and tries to land on the other side, unfortunately, she didn't, she missed the mat and made a wrong fall, she slipped and banged her head on the floor.

Harleen wasn't seriously injured but was unconscious, the crowd watched in horror as they saw the beautiful young gymnast hit her head on the surface.

Paramedics rushed to the scene and Julius called for more help, a few hours later, Harleen woke up in a hospital, she saw her parents beside her bed waiting, her father was delighted to see their daughter wake up and spoke to her.

"Harleen, why didn't you tell us about this? You could've died in that accident, you're lucky Julius did some quick thinking to call us." Harleen was irritated, she had an accident and the first thing she hears are sermons.

She then grabs her pillow and hides under it groaning as she does it. Her mother grabs Harleen's pillow "Aw, come on baby. Hey we aren't mad, okay? Just disappointed that you would keep this from us, we'll support you anyway baby-cakes.".

Harleen sits up and speaks "Fine, i'm sorry okay? I thought you wouldn't support me due to my accident, aside from this." her dad laughs a bit "What are you talking about? Accidents happen, and if it supports your education we consider it a blessing, and if you really love doing it. Then continue with your passion. Okay?"

She smiles with relief, "Okay.". It was good that the TV was closed in Harleen's hospital room or she would've seen her face on TV, local news caught a glimpse of the accident and shared it all around, many saw the story, one of them was Jack, watching the Police Station's television from his jail cell.

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