Chapter 12: The Young Runner

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It was hard for an escaped criminal to find shelter and at least someone to go to. Jack wandered the streets of Gotham, confused and scared.

It's been two years since he last walked around the city, yet so much has changed due to the renovations the mayor has been funding. New buildings, shops, establishments, homes, and even schools are being built all around.

Jack doesn't know his way around because he was never the exploring type before he was locked up wrongfully. He always stayed at home where his family told him to be, everyday.

He became desperate, at day he walks around the city, finding something or someone he thinks can help at least.

At night he would stay in alleys and small spaces to shelter himself from the rain or other criminals.

The GCPD made wanted posters for Jack, it even got to the news when he watched the TV through the window of an appliance store. From there on he knew he had to hide, not only from the police but also from the public.

While walking through one of the alleys, Jack saw a homeless man sleeping, using a coat as his blanket. Jack came closer and tried to take the coat but the homeless man woke up instantly, grabbing Jack by the wrist. "You're not the first to try and take my coat, boy!"

Jack instantly panicked, punching the homeless man unconscious, Jack looked at his hand in shock as he underestimated the strength of his blow.

He took the coat and ran off, he wore it with haste and put on the hood. He was alone, hungry and cold. The once one of the richest kids in Gotham was now homeless, and penniless.

He could hear his stomach growl, it's been days after his breakout, and ever since he hasn't had a single bite of food. "I need something, something please."

He then saw a restaurant worker, throwing out their left overs. He quickly hid, waiting for the worker to be gone.

The worker went back inside and Jack rushed in to the trash and took out half eaten chicken wings, he was desperate, "fuck it." he took a bite, and continued to eat it afterwards. But that doesn't mean he liked it.

He remembered the meals he would have in the manor, freshly roasted turkey sided with mashed potatoes and a bowl of clam chowder. His eyes teared up as he took another bite of the chicken, he then heard the restaurant door open and he ran. The worker looked at the running Jack, he became confused but shrugged it off.

Jack crossed the road running, dodging cars and such until he got hit by the car, it made him fall to the ground.

The driver quickly got out of the car and tended to Jack "Oh dear heavens, i'm so sorry." Jack was knocked unconscious, the driver then called 911.

After a few minutes, authorities arrived. A police officer tended to the driver while paramedics grabbed Jack's unconscious body.

They examined him and tried to look for anything that might confirm his identity, one police officer however, deemed him familiar.

He then took a folded paper from the glove compartment of their police vehicle and to their surprise, it was the wanted criminal, Jack Napier.

They immediately cuffed his hands on to the ambulance's bed and on the way to the Hospital, Jack woke up. He looked around and noticed he's in an ambulance, one of the response team found out he was awake.

"Hey, it's okay. You're on your way to Gotham General." Jack looked at his wrist and noticed he's cuffed, "Ah fuck." He realized he was now caught, he tried to think of a way out, a plan, he looked around. But instead he just struggled, he acted crazy trying to pull out his hands off.

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