Chapter 1: The Young Clown

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Young Jack was a rich boy, he was born in the early 1980s inside a house with over 15 rooms. Hallways decorated by expensive paintings and furniture, and chandeliers coated with precious stones.

You could say he was lucky, you could say that he wasn't, for even if he was born under this roof to be housed from the storms, it couldn't protect him from the abuse of his father towards him.

You see his father, Sir James, wanted a daughter, someone he could show proudly towards other men and for him to use her as leverage towards others.

When he found out he would have a son instead, he knew that he would never love this child even though it was his own.

Jack's mother however, Miss Hailee, loved this boy so much that she would always put herself in the way of her husband just to make him stop abusing their son.

In his early years Jack was in love with comedy, he would laugh at anything good or bad, he would make his own jokes and tell it to their butlers and maids, and of course as their jobs, they needed to laugh, poor Jack didn't know however that all the laughter was fake, and of course fell in to thinking that he was really funny.

But even though he thought he was a comedian, he would rarely socialize, he lacked confidence and self-esteem due to the damage his father has done to him. But even through everything the strong boy never gave up in trying to make his father smile at least and be proud of him. Jack believed that someday and somehow, his father will love him as much as he loves his father.

At the age of 10, Jack made his first friend, his neighbor, as young and rich as he is, Fredrick Sionis, one of the lesser known Sionis, the family that brought steel to Gotham City and industrialized many factories, causing them to have a fortune.

Jack and Fred would always be together and would rarely separate. Fortunately for Fredrick, both his parents loved and cared for him, sometimes Jack would be jealous of this, but knew his father would love him someday and his life would be complete.

One day Jack invited Fredrick over to his manor, the young rich boy showed his friend all the rooms around the large house.

The two friends were walking through the hallways when they came across the door to Sir James' office.

They went inside and Jack would imitate his father's voice, saying "You are not allowed in here, I am the head of this house, watch me flip and make my pants fall down BLABLAAA.", Fredrick would burst with laughter, almost crying because of it. Jack would laugh with him and they continued about for the rest of the day.

"This painting looks like a giant green turd." said Fredrick, Jack replied chuckling "That's because it is Fredrick! I don't even know why my father bought that poopy painting! HAHAHAHA!".

Unfortunately for them Sir James was right behind them and heard about their little joke time "Poopy painting?! Well that poopy painting costs Two Million Dollars Jack!! and it represents the sadness of life and you, my boy are that sadness of my life, Get lost or i'll beat you to a pulp!! Now!"

Scared for their lives, the two boys ran as fast as they could towards Jack's room, "That was a close one." said Jack, "Too close, why does your father hate you so much? What did you do to him?" Fredrick replied.

Jack hesitated for a while, thinking about what he was gonna say, "Let's just say he wanted a fish taco but got a hot-dog instead." laughing as he said it,

Fredrick was all confused about this, "huh? I don't get it.", Jack laughed even more "you'll know when you grow up.", "But we're both just ten years old Jack, you can't be possibly older than me" replied Fred, "Oh Freddy, outside we may be the same age, but inside my mind knows a lot more than you do."

Fred scoffed and looked away "well whatever Jack the weirdo, I better get home its almost sun down." Fredrick said his goodbyes and rushed towards his home.

Jack looking out the window, heard a scream, one that would shock him and he knew who's scream that was, his mother's.

Scared straight and worried sick, Jack ran as fast as he could to where he thinks the scream came from, shouting "Mom?! Mom!" along the way. He finally reaches Miss Hailee in the kitchen, hiding under the table scared.

Jack looked around trying to see what his mother was afraid of, he then saw a bat hanging from the ceiling, Jack chuckled "You're scared of a cute little bat? I think he's scared of you mother."

He then shooed the bat away and opened a window, "Bye batsie!" he waved his hand goodbye towards the bat as it flew away.

He then heard his father come inside the room, all confused and blamed it all on the young boy, Jack, he then rushed to the kid, grabbing his shirt by the collar and punched him straight to the face, "What did you do to your mother?!"

Jack was unable to reply due to the blow he had just experienced, his nose was bleeding and his eye couldn't open.

His father continued to beat him up, "Why?! Why aren't you answering?!". Jack tried to resist, to cover himself as his father kept giving punches and kicks to his fragile body.

His mother was shouting "Stop!" "Stop it James, now!", Jack's father stopped, turned to his wife, and worrily asked "are you all right?" his wife pushed him away, "I'm fine." she walks towards Jack, wrapping him in her arms as he shakes and twitches in pain "Get away from us."

Sir James was furious, he knelt down and stared at his son, "If I see you do anything again, you're head will be hanging on a wall.".

Jack never forgot that day, yet he wasn't mad even if he was beaten up, he grew into it. He knew that his father was only protective of his wife, that he would even kill his own kin just for her.

Jack believed that the kind of love his father has for his mother was special, ever lasting and lucky. From there on at an early age, Jack wished he could have a love like that someday.

Although, he knew he was shy, he knew that he would rarely go out and his only friend was Fredrick, But Jack was an optimistic young fellow, and he didn't think about relationships too much even when he grew up. But maybe all that will change very soon.

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