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The last chapter...

Liz got everything off of her chest and managed to survive her plan just a bit.

Anyways, here's the ending of this story.


Chapter 16- Epilogue

A year later on August 1st, 2012

After we find out Kenny hit Kyra, he realized that he was the main abuser in the relationship department. He’s serving community service after the hitting was taken to the police. But for Kyra? She’s teaching a class on domestic violence at a local community center up the road from her house twice out of the week. Kyra also met someone who isn’t so abusive as Kenny. She also realized that she was bisexual and met someone at the class she teaches. Her name is Tara Quincy. Liz still remains with Nikki and they have moved to New Hampshire to get married in the near future. Both girls found a college to attend to near the place they live. As for Bridget & Ivan, they went to college in California for all four semesters at the University of Southern California. They recently became engaged. Of course, you know the seniors have graduated last year. Matt has also went to college in Florida along with meeting a special someone named Samantha Walls. They also, like Bridget & Ivan, became engaged. Liz’s family still remains at home; while Carla attends a half day of school because of the shortened schedule she has being a senior now. Her friends, Jeff & Natalie became a couple over the course of the year. Liz also got to know them as well. They are not bad at all for some surprising reason.

Liz learned a lot of things over the course of the year: meeting a new person who now becomes your girlfriend, make your friend’s life not so easy and helping out of those who need it. In life, we all want to hurt people that have the easy way out but that can never work. Why you ask? Because that’s not the right way to do things; we should never hurt a person but to always love them no matter how crazy they drive us each and every day of our lives.


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