First Day for New Ideas- 8/24/2011

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Hopefully, you all like my story. So, here's the first chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 1- First Day for New Ideas- 8.24.2011

“Liz, get up for school!” shouts my lovely mom Darla. I get up and run downstairs to eat. I see my sister, Carla, texting and eating. Who does that in the morning? I eat breakfast then I head upstairs to throw on a tee and jeans from a vintage store I bought. I get everything I need and head out the door. Being a senior at JFK High School has its perks. I leave and I make to the school in the right amount of time. I arrive and see my friend Kyra with her boyfriend, Kenny.

“They are so perfect together. Maybe they’ll last until prom.” Liz thought. Kyra gives me a nice smile and asks me, “I like your outfit today, doll.” I nod my head and walk with her to Art class. Hopefully, today will go well. We begin our assignment on things and nonsense for the class. It is first day, so yeah. Class ends a half hour later. Kyra heads to her English class, while I walk with my friends Bridget & Ivan to Psychology. The day goes by so quickly, I didn’t even know school was like that. By the way, the whole senior class (besides my friends & I) know Kyra. Here it begins, folks. Bringing her down…

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