Addicted- §E€RET§ OUT°

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. §E€RET§ OUT "£oyalty".

(-Narrator POV- )

It was closing up to Thanksgiving day and Midnight was ready to expose her and Q's engagement to their friends.

Today just seemed like the best opportunity she had because everyone was going to be there. She didn't know a lot of things like Rachel still was around and today she would find out more.

Dominique was the only one who didn't know about Qua' sean's little secret, and today was suppose to be a time everyone got to come together and discuss that.

Without letting anyone know, Dominique invited Midnight and she told her everyone would be there. She waited for this day for two long months, she was so excited to be able to share it with them now.

All of them were meeting at Roscoe's to eat and talk it out with Q himself. They were gathering with each other at three in the afternoon, so she had enough time to get ready.

She moved out her aunt's place a month ago. She got back her old apartment out in Long Beach and all her belongings from the storage. Every thing seemed to be running smoothly and she enjoyed every bit of it.

She hasn't cried since that night in Jamaica with her new husband or fiance. After every thing, she's been a jolly person and her business was back in place, but that didn't mean someone wasn't going to die whether it's physically, spiritually, mentally or emotionally.

"Zero" she called out in the kitchen. He came in jumping at her legs.

"Sit boy. I know you miss me" she gave him a strand of bacon.

"I missed you too." she sat on the floor placing a plate of bacon in front of him as she ate a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. "I missed it all"

A knock on the door made her get up in a hurry. She hasn't seen Q in three days, but she didn't care anymore because she gets to see him today.

"Hey girll" Tenion said dancing into the house.

"You got food girl?" Shekinah walked straight into the kitchen.

She looked at both of them then into the hall before closing her front door. She stared at Shekinah eat her cereal and Tenion body roll to no music.

"How the heck you come up in my crib like papa bear eating my grains and you" she pointed at Tenion "You walk in like a horny stripper"

"Maybe I am a stripper and I just wanted to let you know that..."

Midnight folded her arms under her breast waiting for the answer.

"You bloated... girl you got a baby bump" Shekinah said.

"You guys know I can't have babies since ever I got shot by RSK" she walked over to the couch and sat down.

"And you got your revenge by killing each and everyone of them motherfuckers" Tenion says raising her voice.

Shekinah helped herself to another bowl of cereal. "You always said you ain't want no bad ass kids in your house, but Q" she walked out the kitchen. "he changed you"

Tenion and her shared a high five "He took your virginity, he partially left his girlfriend for you, he made you get a tattoo, and now he makes you want kids"

Middy shrugged "I-I-I feel so good around him. He makes me happy and I like the way he makes me feel. He's been loyal to me"

"Ummm hmmm" they said simultaneously.

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