Addicted- Shut Down

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~~DOVE P.O.V~~


I spunt the night at my mom's house because I wasn't feeling so well, but on my way there I seen Midnight. I was shocked to see her, she changed my whole demeanor. I was totally at the wrong place at the wrong time. I feel so dumb. But anyways, I was on my way home. I really miss my "Big Papa" and I wanna get all up under him especially cause this Saturday is one of his days off from practicing for tour.

I drove home in my new Honda that Q got me as an apology supposedly, I knew he was really sorry once I saw them keys to that Civics. Yes Lord. I can never actually be mad at him, especially now. I don't need to be stressin.

I grabbed my Micheal Kors bag in search of my phone, but I was too lazy to continue to look for it. I walked up the steps, unlocked the door, turned the knob and walked in. I couldn't believe my eyes. My home look like its been robbed, I felt so shut down. The crystal coffe table was broken, vases broken on the ground, the picture frames on the wall were now shattered; the whole living room was just an upside down mess.

I dropped my bags and walked over the mess, I stepped infront of the couch and saw a red stain then another. The first thing that popped up into my mind was blood and thats the only thing that can be as dark and red. My baby got attacked again.

I was panicking "Qua'sean!" I screamed out in terror "Qua'sean" I ran up the spiral stairs to check if he was okay or here.

I quickly opened the door widely to our room. I was afraid for him, but this dude was fast asleep in bed like nothing happened. His back faced me. I ran to the bed side and hugged him. Tears automatically poured from my eyes. I shook him a few times unil he faced me.

He stretched his arms out and yawned. "What time is it?" he asked, but I was too in shock.

He had scratches all up in his face and now I can conclude that the red stains on the couch was blood because he has gauze wrapped around his arm. What the hell is happening to him? First he comes home with the scars and bruises now this violence is happening within my home... Hell fuck no.

"Who the fuck keeps doing this to you and don't try and come up with a dumb ass excuse" I sighed touching his rough face. He winced, pushing my hand away. "I can help you"

He shook his head getting off the bed. He was shirtless, but had on some grey sweats. He walked to the bathroom and I followed behind him. He stared in the mirror like his face had not changed a bit and splashed some water on it. I stared at him in the mirror and shook my head. Why isn't this bothering him as much as its bothering me?

"I'm gonna call your mom" I said walking away from him

"What? Chill baby don't" he came after me

"If you won't tell me what happened to our house and most importantly your face... I have to call her" I went downstairs back to my purse in search of my phone.... once I got it I began dialing her number.

"Hello, Rose...It's about Qua'Sea-" in less than a minute my phone was on the other side of the floor and my I was palming my cheek.

"That's what the fuck happens when you don't Fucking listen to me... I'm in charge!"

I just started crying. "I-I can't fucking stand you... I hate you"

I grabbed my purse making my way to the door... he ran in front of me blocking my exit.

"How you gonna leave with out a car.. " he smiled mischievously holding up my keys

"Give me back my keys"

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