Addicted- Thrown Off

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Midnight P.O.V (Pic on side)

I felt a warm thick liquid trickle down my inner thighs, my pussy and legs felt sore and it felt as if my legs will give up on me any minute. I looked down on the sheets and realized that he was no longer there, but I did realize a note written on a piece of tissue that read:

Midnight thanks for making me have the best birthday a guy can ask for.

I enjoyed our night together, you really know how to throw it back :)

Hopefully we meet again.    Love Q.

"Oh shit" I palmed my face and shook my head whilst I walked over to the bathroom to cleanse myself

I was thinking heavily on how I let this happen. How come I didn't feel him remove himself from the bed or hear the door shut? I should have known he was a player; he's a red skin nigga, it's obvious that he has hoes. What was I thinking letting my hormones get the best of me, damn I FUCKED UP.

I wrapped myself in a towel that was hanging from the rack and stepped out the shower as I walked over to the mirror wiping the steam off to see my reflection. I looked tired and worn out, my  twenty- four inch Light-brown Virgin Peruvian hair was a wet mess.

I heard a knock on the door and walked over to it "Who is it?" I said in a groggy tone

"Housekeeper!" I looked out the peephole and there she was with her uniform and cleaning cart

"Wait a minute!" I ran over to the bed side, yanking the sheets from the bed, wrapping them into a litttle ball and discarded them into a trash bag. I don't want anyone to see the mess I created, that's disgusting.

I quickly slid my black and white checker sequined skirt, bra and turtleneck crop top on and shoved my panties in my Louis Vuitton purse.

"I'm Coming!" I took the brush out of my purse and fixed up my hair so I could look decent as I waked out this building.

"Goodmorning" she said with a friendly smile as I opened the door

"Goodmorning" I said making my way out with my black red bottom pumps in hand

As I exited the hotel, I called up my cousin Gema to come get me. She and I are related through my mother because that's where all the light skinned people came from in my family, but my mother and all her children except my youngest sisters are dark skinned. I moved from Miami to Live with her up here in L.A because I was tired of that everyday Miami life. I strived for a new environment, it's not what I dreamed of, but it'll do for now.

She pulled up in her Black Range Rover and I hopped in "How was your night, did you get any?" she smiled and turned all her attention to me

I looked down at my purse and slid her the note that was written on a piece of toilet paper and she read it silently.

"What the fuck did I just read? Middy how did you let this happen? Knowing the type of women you are you wouldn't let this happen." she spoke with shock in her voice

I shook my head and put the note back in my bag "I don't know, but I don't care about it anymore" I sighed heavily and laid my head back on the seat

"You sure you okay?" I nodded "Okay then" we drove off from the front of the hotel

As we passed by various signs and shops all I can think about is the consequences that could have awaited for me because he didn't use a condom. What if he nutted inside me or Had some type of Sexual Transmitted Disease? For all I know I had to get checked.

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