Addicted- Want It All Back

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It's been six months since I've seen Midnight, I haven't called or texted her and neither did she. It's been a rough six months dealing with Dove and all.

"Dove..Dove. Baby I'm home" I locked the door behind me "Hey baby" she was sitting on the couch with a bottle of liquor in hand "What's wrong?"

She shook her head and I saw a tear fall out "Where have you been?"

"I told you not to stay up for me" I shrugged and began to walk away
"What the FUCK DOVE?!"



She rubbed her eyes as more tears fell out "So you don't like my mouth anymore? And you want me to believe that your being faithful, oh okay" she bumped me and walked away

I walked upstairs and saw her crying on the bed "Baby, I'm sorry, but I was just at the afterparty and was a bit messy and I didn't want you seeing me that way. Ask J or Marquin" I hugged her

"I-I know , b-b-but  it's so hard" she coughed and sniffled "T-they told me"

"Then why you threw that bottle at me if you already knew the truth? Man you always doing some dumb shit D" I pushed her off of me roughly and got off the bed

"Baby no, please I need your love and affection" she hugged me from behind and planted little kisses on my back "Please"

"Please what?" I smirked knowing how this will end

"Big Papa"

We ended up in the shower just cleaning each other and sharing kisses.

"Stop that tickles" she said as I passed the soapy sponge around her neck

"My turn" she grabbed it from me and started soaping my back

She scrubbed it slowly then stopped and started to go roughly

"Ow, what the fuck you doing Dove?" I turned around to face her

She threw the sponge at me and pushed my chest "Yea and you not cheating. Explain all those scratches on your back and ... is that a hickie?" she slapped me and got out the shower "I'm through"

I punched the wall and groaned angrily "FUCK!"

"Damn, but where have you been for two days?" I was talking to my dad while my mom was at work. My father has blue eyes, that's why I have green eyes. A lot of people hated on him and my mom because they thought they weren't compatible since their skin tones were different. (pic of dad on side)

"I was with the girl I told you about, but for those two days we didn't have sex, I just took her around some hot spots and we had fun in the city, that's all" I slouched in the chair with my legs open "I don't know what to do"

"Qua' sean you shouldn't have got yourself in this mess in the first place, you have a good woman and she loves you dear-"

"I know dad, but Mi-"

"No buts Qua' sean, you know better than to let your hormones get in the way of your relationship" he took in a deep breath "Your 21 and it's a new year now. Six months ago you should have been having birthday sex with Dove not some chick named after an animal or darkness. What was her parents thinking?"

I laughed "Her name's Midnight and her nickname is Cat and if you seen her you'd be amazed" I palmed my face "Damn"

"Hey, hey watch it boy"

"I'm sorry, but she was DAMN!"

"How cute is she or like you kids say it bad?" I went on her instagram which is Ms.Cat215 and showed my dad a picture of her

"This is her face" I shined my phone in his face

"What do you know, she is darkness, but she is really pretty for darkness"

"Yeah, I know and this is her whole body" I picked a photo that she posted on her Birthday

"Well Lord Jesus, I'll be damned. Why haven't you called her back? My my she's the whole package like your my mother"

"Ugh dad, dont compare her to mom" I shook my head in disgust "And your point is?"

He cleared his throat "You have two astonishing women here son, but I recommend you to follow your heart and do what's best. Dove has been here for you for about 10 years and -"

"Whoa dad no, it's about six atleast"

"Okay six, but what I'm trying to say is that she has been with you for a long time and kept it real with you and for you to go behind her back and break her heart" he shook his head and patted my back "That's wrong son, I know. I suffered the same mistakes"

"With mom?" I looked at him with my eyes squinched

"NO! She would rip my balls off and feed it to your german shephards. Whoo that was way before your mom, blonde chicks"

"What did you do?"

"I let love find it's way around me and that's how I met your mother. Those blondes didn't compare to her at all, she was different and caught my eyes. But for those girls I made it up to them and broke up with both of them and they understood. I was happy and so were they"

"What you trying to say is that if I love Dove I should go and make her mines again because no matter what she was always there for me and I do love her"

He smiled "Then go and get your woman back son, I know she will understand because it's all in the love"

I got off the couch and shook hands with my dad "Alright, I'm off to get my lady" I smiled and was almost out the door

"Wait Qua'sean"

"Yea pops" I looked back at him

"I'm proud of you" he smiled "Good luck"

I drove off to her house in the rain and came up with a million and one things to say to her. Would she forgive me? Since six months I haven't attempted to get her back and all of a sudden...I've come to my senses. I realize I do love her a lot, she left that mark on me and she gives me butterflies and makes my smile bright.

I drove up to her place, ran out the car and knocked on the door waiting for a reply and finally the door opened

"Hi" I stared into her eyes

"Hi" she said as she stood there

"I'm sorry for not calling or just leaving you like that. I should know better"

She rolled her eyes "It's February, you expect me to accept this apology again?"

"I-I...Can we talk about this please?"

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